If I start anything new tomorrow, there are 134 days during which I can do it before July 1. I wonder what I can accomplish in 134 days!
Let me say that again: ONE HUNDRED THIRTY FOUR WHOLE DAYS!! Summer will come either way, whether I do or not...
So - for example:
If I spend 20 minutes a day on French, I will be 2,680 minutes better in French than I am now! 44 and a half hours better!! PLUS 18 hours of lessons is 62 hours better! Wow!
Or: If I spend 10 minutes a day meditating that's 22.3 hours of meditation bliss and all that it brings.
If I spend 30 minutes a day on piano, I will be 4020 minutes better a pianist! 67 hours better! PLUS a couple of really good lessons = 70 hours better! Wowie!
If I spend 30 minutes a day on PD, I will have grown 4020 minutes more as a developed person – actually more - ‘cause it grows on itself, so it compounds!
If I spend an average of 30 minutes a day working out, I will be 15.3 pounds lower without changing a thing in my eating!
Not to mention sizes and inches.
Not to mention emotional benefits.
If I reign in my eating with a good food plan too, I will be lighter still!
And, if I spend just one little dollar a day less, I will have money for a new bathing suit in the end of June!
You know what, I think I’m going to do all of that! If I just devote 5:30 – 7:30 pm every day, there it is, done!
What would ~you~ like to accomplish by July 1?
I really really *really* r*E*a*L*l*Y want to know my friends’ thoughts about this!
: )
I hope some people will comment! I would LOVE to know!