So, it's 1/8/11, and my life is - hmm - how do I say it - well, I've made a mess of things.
But - today I did some things. So, as compared with that day in May, that day in July, a moment in November, and New Year's Eve morning, when I thought about ending it all, doing something to create hope is better.
Therefore, my little changes are all, each and every one, better than that. Right? And it is my hope that blogging will help me to continue to grow, change, and have hope. Maybe even someday a better, or dare I hope good, life. And It is also my hope that *you* might find hope here as well. Here goes!
The first changes I made were that today I
cleaned kitchen
ate within my weight watchers pointsplus points
did oa work, including making 2 phone calls
visited mother in hospital
made and served us dinner
These may seem so very small to you. But I intend to continue. One year from today, I should - I *will* - have a better life!
Tomorrow, I
do oa work (prayer from p. 215 big book edition 4 and the 3rd step prayer, read For Today and Voices of Recovery for 1/9, read one story from Experience Strength and Hope, write gratitudes, call sponsor, go to a meeting
brush teeth 2 x
floss teeth 1 x
visit mom in hospital
plan week's food and make sure I have what I need - get to store as needed tomorrow
cook and serve us dinner
My current problems:
marriage - husband doesn't love me anymore and is not sure if he is staying
body - very overweight and need to lose it for health as well as looks
energy - low
hope - sometimes very low
My current fortune, although too much to list here:
husband still here
mother still alive
darling little dog
food and water
oa program
Well, I'm off 'til tomorrow.
Hope someone reads this, eventually at least.
i'm reading. thanks for posting.