I am grateful:
1. I may be putting some repeats because I’m not sure it’s possible to do 100 NEW ones EVERY day. I will look this up. But there are things for which I am truly grateful, and I know I’ve said them before, but I am grateful for them today, so I’m going to say them. I will avoid the saying the first 10 over and over pitfall…. The first is I am so very grateful for my eyesight.
2. And I am so very grateful that I am forgiven. That I went to reconciliation.
3. And can go again.
4. And that I didn’t jump the other day.
5. In today’s For Today: “Guilt is a useless, self-abasing emotion that keeps me from dealing with my problems.”
6. And “For today: I show respect for myself and others by accepting our mistakes as proof of our humanness.”
7. I am grateful that I didn’t criticize MA even though she has some habits I scheeve. I love her. And she is more important than that crap.
8. Today’s Voices of Recovery says: “…and the ill will which poisoned our hearts for years is washed away.” OA 12 & 12 p. 75
9. Biggy. It also says, “Today, with the help of OA and the Twelve Steps, I live in reality and truly avoid making situations larger than they really are.”
10. That E said Stop beating yourself up. Yes, you have issues. Who doesn’t.
11. There’s so much I’m grateful for in Today’s Recovery Meditation. “Our way is not soft grass, it’s a mountain path with lots of rocks. But it goes upward, forward, toward the sun.” Ruth Westheimer
12. That friend of MA’s with the horrible disease and constant severe pain. Who says every morning she has a mountain of razors to climb. But she just climbs it so she can have her day. What an inspiration!
13. That I saved my mother from killing herself that day.
14. That I am fighting my illnesses. And winning. No, maybe not fighting – gentling.
15. The Rec. Med. goes on to talk about the fear the first time of the 4th step. Which I felt too. And how “Now I know firsthand the cleansing of a good Fourth Step and I look forward to them as I peel the onion and find more defects.” And I feel that too!
16. And: ”Whatever the reason, I’d like to say that I struggled in the program, but it was worth it.”
17. And: “ONE DAY AT A TIME. . . I will remember to turn to the program to help maintain my peace and serenity, especially through the bad times.”
18. “If you find a path with no obstacles, it probably doesn’t lead anywhere.” Slogan online
19. And this one!: It is not the experience of today that drives people mad----it is the remorse or bitterness for something which happened yesterday and the dread of what tomorrow may bring.
20. And “Easy does it, but do it.”
21. And it says, “Expect miracles!” Yay.
22. And “There is a god and I am not it.”
23. And “When man listens, God speaks; when man obeys, God works”
24. And “If God seems far away who moved?’
25. And “have a good day unless of course you have made other plans”
26. And this, which I would apply to overeating, as I’m not a drinker: “Don’t drink, don’t think, read the Big Book, and go to meetings.”
27. And this one: Trust God - clean house - help others.”
28. Uh oh. And this one (overeating instead of drinking but still): “Active alcoholics don’t have relationships; they take hostages.”
29. And “The lesson I must learn is simply that my control is limited to my own behavior, my own attitudes”
30. !!! “It’s a pity we can’t forget our troubles the same way we forget our blessings”
31. And this: “If it isn’t God’s will……………..I can’t make it happen.”
32. And “If it is meant to be……………I can’t stop it”
33. And “Pain is the touchstone of spiritual growth”
34. My friends, MA, ML, S, St, O, M, Ma, and Mar, keep me from feeling alone.
35. So does God.
36. So do my blog friends. Thank God for them!
37. “You are exactly where God wants you to be.” Wow.
38. I’ve needed to learn this one all my life: “Serenity is not freedom from the storm but peace amid the storm”
39. “Trying to pray is praying”
40. And “Sobriety delivers everything alcohol promised”
41. “God taught us to laugh again but God please don’t let us forget that we once cried.”
42. “Faith is not belief without proof but trust without reservation”
43. “AA (OA) is the highest priced club in the world ……….. if u have paid the dues, why not enjoy the benefits?”
44. I need this: “Isolation is a killer, use your telephone list, come to an extra meeting, reach out and help the newcomer or struggling member.”
45. “When you do all the talking you only learn what you already know”
46. “Seven das without a meeting makes one WEAK”
47. “The time to attend a meeting is when you least feel like going”
48. “Don’t watch the ‘slippers’ but watch those who don’t slip closely and watch them go through difficulties and pull through”
49. True for me with compulsive overeating and I’m grateful to see it here and be put in mind of it: “Een my worst day in sobriety/clean is better than my best day drunk/using”
50. “When all else fails………..the directions are in the Big Book”
51. “All you need to start your own AA meeting is a resentment and a coffee pot!!!” [ me – and a big book]
52. That my CoDA sponsor has me doing resentment work daily
53. “The smartest thing an AA member can say is, ‘help me’”
54. That I’m hearing the birds so beautifully this morning.
55. That I will see the kiddies in a little while
56. That although I woke up HORRIBLY, I don’t feel as bad now
57. The paradox: We surrender to win”
58. And “We die to live”
59. And “From darkness comes light”
60. And biggy for me! “From dependence we found independence”
61. “Wolf Parable
An elder Apache was teaching his grandchildren about life.
He said to them,"A fight is going on inside me; it is a terrible fight and it is between two wolves. One wolf represents fear, anger, envy, sorrow, regret, greed, arrogance, self-pity, guilt, resentment, inferiority, lies, false pride, competition, superiority, and ego. The other stands for joy, peace, love, hope, sharing, serenity, humility, kindness, friendship, empathy, generosity, truth, compassion, and faith. This same fight is going on inside you, and inside every other person too."
They thought about it for a minute and then one child asked his grandfather, "Which wolf will win?"
The old Grandpa simply replied, "The one you feed.”
62. “When all else fails, use Rule 62: Don’t take yourself so seriously.”
63. “If this is part of the history of children of alcoholics and addiction in your life it is almost predestined that you will become involved with an addict of some description.” So I’m not a loser. I’m a child of a schizophrenic, who has gotten involved with an addict.
64. In today’s In this Moment: “In This Moment, I accept imperfection.”
65. “Once I was my own worst enemy. Trying to be perfect was a self-defeating prophecy. The committee in my head did not hold meetings in my favor. I lived my life filled with shame-based fear. Thanks to the Steps, I am aware of my shortcomings. I’m not perfect. Toda, I am perfectly fine being an imperfect human being.”
66. “By practicing self-care, I find acceptance of who I am. Healthy, respectful communication starts with me. I celebrate my successes, growth, and accomplishments with gratitude.”
67. Today’s Language of Letting Go: “This is our life. This is it. We can decide how we want to spend our days and hours. We’re not enslaved. We’re not trapped. And not one of us is without options.”
68. “Although we may have to struggle through shame and learn to own our power, we can learn to spend our valuable hours and days with the people we enjoy and choose to be with.”
69. “God, help me value my time and life. Help me place value on how I feel being around certain people. Guide me as I learn to develop healthy, intimate, sharing relationships with people. Help me give myself the freedom to experiment, explore, and learn who I am and who I can be in my relationships.”
70. That my breath is a little deeper today.
71. And I have a little bit more of a voice.
72. That despite all I’m going through, and the wreck that I feel like I am, I haven’t had an accident. I’m very grateful for that.
73. That that 5th grader played Chopin so well today.
74. That *I * practice some Chopin when I got home.
75. That the ordering is getting done.
76. That L. couldn’t make it to our writing meeting after all.
77. That M-is the one who proofread my r.c.’s
78. That K. is on her way over. I am shy about it, but glad.
79. That JA wrote back!!!!!!! I’m soooo sorry that I hadn’t contacted her for so long, and SO grateful that she wrote back, and lovingly!!!!!!! She even called herself my friend for life.
80. That my mother went out with her M. today.
81. That M is *not * mad at me – she actually left abruptly because she is tutoring! : )
82. And that H. is getting to go to that private school where she’ll get to bloom and learn in her own way! Yay H!
83. And that I was now allowed to tell M! Yay!
84. Starting next week, I can go to more meetings.
85. And I think I’m ready to start using the phone a bit more. Maybe 2x a week for program calls. (Plus my daily sponsor calls).
86. MA said those beautiful white perennials from her are a form of hydrangea.
87. And they are blooming beautifully!
88. And my lilac is now huge!
89. And I just have to clip the roses back and they’ll be fine too.
90. And she might well show me where to move stuff.
91. And I am getting a bit of a better perspective, like about Ph’s toys and the stupid yard cleaner people.
92. And the obnoxious work but hey, I’m not doing it on the way to chemo…
93. I believe (because of Higher Power’s help) that I will be able to be abstinent tonight.
94. And I’m grateful that I haven’t eaten junk lately.
95. And that I had a healthy lunch today! Protein, veggies, brown rice, and a pear.
96. And that I did sleep last night.
97. And my chest/throat is not as bad today.
98. And that MA said in her e-mail that she had a GREAT time here yesterday.
99. That tomorrow I will go to the jewelry place with her and take care of that: ) I’ll return mine.
100. That maybe *I * can tutor a first-going-into-second grader for money : )
101. K just called. She should be here in about 10 minutes. I won’t be all alone for an “endless” time.
102. There is hope.
I like # 39. I had never thought of that.
ReplyDelete# 63 - Wow. That is huge. I took part of a 10 week workshop on Schizophrenia and serious and persistent mental illness. I never new much about Schizophrenia. I left the workshop every night with a heavy heart. My heart especially went out o 2 young girls ages 14 & 13. These girls were mature beyond their years and had already spent most of their lives looking after their mom. I don't think anyone could come through such an upbringing without having some large issues to have to deal with as adult.
#102 There is always that.
I am grateful for #4. I am experiencing some pretty overwhelming horrors in my life this week and I need your daily affirmations to keep me calm.
ReplyDeletePlease continue to be here.