Sunday, January 18, 2015


I'm gonna start posting some grats each day. Don't care if they're ones I've put in the past or not - BUT - they will not be repeated here! Wonder how many days I can go without a repeat! :)
And - this is NOT coming from a bad or desperate place, but a happy-to-be-alive, hopeful, and content very very grateful place!

PS What got me from suicidal to here is:
mindfulness breathing (albeit sporadically)
lots of time every morning with daily meditations online from hay house and I used to literally type each one here
just keep going just keep going just keep going
loving friends including EJ being here for me
that I needed a job so I had to do it just do it
giving up all soda including diet soda, and all white pasta, as both make me crazy
I do take 15 mgs of paxil 4 nights a week (sun, mon, wed, fri, just cause it's easy to remember that way) This is different than the way most people take it, which is mornings, every day, and 40 - 60 mg. But this is just right for me
I had therapy for a long time from the desperate times about 4 - 5 years ago till last April
when less desperate, what also helped:
good books (including Be Free Where You Are, The Secret, The Magic, and other non-fiction and even fiction that engrossed me including Malakai, The Help, Once We Were Brothers, and many more
piano though not daily
embroidery though only sometimes
getting out more - being with people more
I traveled on my own to London (from New York) for 9 days. The first 4 at a retreat with Thich Nhat Hanh (and I'd been on 3 in Massachusetts earlier) and the next 5 just going about sightseeing. Loved every minute. 2012 end March beginning April. This was amazingly good for me.
I did date someone (husband had left of course) for about 8 months and that was nice for me too.
And finally, exercise, eating much better, having something green every day. It all started with Nutribullet MagicBullet last April and a smoothie every day just as a way to get in greens, moved to 21 Day Fix (guide not really DOING or I'd be thin by now) end June, and at that time started the exercise too.
Now, I just take things more lightly. I accept about J (husband who left). I see him sometimes but I don't know what will happen. But for the first time IN MY LIFE, I am ok, happy, grateful, and just fine being me.
I. Am. Finally. Whole.
Hope some of this hopes someone else!

1. 21 Day Fix exercises
2. 21 Day Fix food plan (although I have not followed it perfectly at all!)
3. My breath. I used to have such trouble with it. Now every breath goes all the way to my naval. I can hardly believe this! No asthma, no shallow breathing. I am so so grateful.
4. Organic foods
5. My health food store
6. Mindfulness breathing allowed and encourage to be done couple minutes a day with my little students!
7. Soups
8. That I have a B.A. in psychology, a teaching certificate, and a Masters Degree in Theology/Religious Studies.
9. My friends.
10. A, MA, M in particular
11. My mother's great aide, M.
12. My mother's other great aide new: E.
13. My principal, who really seems to get me and appreciate me
14. A piano in my classroom
15. That my kids want to hear it now : )
16. Sitcoms

So - these are not the deepest - but that is a signal about me being lighter now. They are the happy little ones that come to me right now - without spending too long:)

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