I am grateful:
1. That Ph and I woke up this morning. I didn’t think, and left the heat on high, and am fuzzy headed and she seemed to be uncomfortable too, so I’m glad we both woke up.
2. That maybe today I’ll talk to and/or see J. I don’t know why his phone was off yesterday (last night) and shouldn’t make assumptions. But he certainly didn’t call me. But maybe today.
3. That I got up and prayed. Twice on my knees, my 2 3rd step prayers, and my God the Father prayer and my Blessed Mother prayer, and for the people on my list.
4. That there is hope in this day. There must be. God made the earth, the birds are singing right now, I have enough oxygen, my feet can touch bare earth, the sky was blue yesterday and the temperature was lovely and there was a wonderful breeze. There must be hope in this day God made.
5. In today’s Voices of Recovery: “If I do not accept that I am sick, then I am not likely to seek any kind of medical treatment. If I am not willing to take my medicine, then it is unlikely that I will change and eventually get better. It comes down to how much I am willing to pay. If my time, money, and energy are not worth much, then I am not likely to pay the price. If living in recovery, enjoying life, and reaping the benefits are my primary concerns, then I am willing to pay the price and grow from that opportunity.
6. That while J’s horoscope for the last couple of months has been bad for our relationship, the last two were very good for it! Change is acomin’! Yay.
7. Not a bad chat with J. this morning.
8. Got through listening to all 99 of my posts on my digital recorder. Lots to learn from it.
9. And the two notes from the paper in the den too.
10. I will finish that letter today. And make it not too overwhelming.
11. That I went to the meeting this morning.
12. Even though M did not go.
13. It was a wonderful meeting.
14. And Ma, whom I haven’t seen in a long time, said she’s always so happy to hear what I share
15. And kissed me.
16. Then went to lunch with 5 others.
17. Had nice time.
18. And abstinent lunch.
19. And only ate half.
20. And found out *maybe * garlic sauce isn’t vegan! Glad to find out, anyway. Will have to look into that.
21. Made it home safely.
22. Ph knows I am not upset with her for pooping on the rug. She was even waiting by the back door when I got here, poor little thing.
23. I *will * take her out. Asap.
24. And I *will * walk, myself.
25. And I will finish that letter for J.
26. And figure out a way to leave it for him.
27. God please help us. God will help us.
28. I am attracting more positives into my life.
29. In two days I get to start to give away my step 5.
30. This morning’s meeting was about step 5!
31. That J said yes, and Ph and I are going over there to walk with him!
32. And – I can use the printer there too
33. That I got to walk with them
34. And it was lovely
35. And we talked (chatted)
36. And I felt that he liked it too.
37. And I printed (he did it)
38. And I gave him the letter.
39. And asked him to read it sometime this week.
40. And it started with asking him (in the letter) to please read it with an open mind and heart.
41. And I prayed. Hard. And even in the car. And even prostrated myself.
42. And asked 16 friends in e-mails to pray right away please too.
43. And I took a 5 mg valium tablet.
44. And I feel calmer now.
45. Not just the valium, I think, but God.
46. And I cannot undo what I have done in the past, but I have done all I could today for the cause. As far as I know. Having prayed, intuited, slept on it, worked on it, revised to keep it real but not too long…
47. And now the rest is up to God and to J.
48. And I shall now eat an abstinent dinner.
49. And go to bed and get some sleep.
50. And the house is in order.
51. And I shall floss and brush my teeth.
52. And I have clean clothes for tomorrow.
53. And I can see lilacs out the den window from right ere in the l.r. while I type.
54. God bless me. I am grateful that I am able to say that.
55. That I posted on the sp sp board
56. And the oaww board
57. And asked for prayers on the sp sp board
58. And M says wants to go to meeting tomorrow
59. And I was abstinent today
60. And satisfied with it
61. And feel like could sleep
62. And will be good to the kids tomorrow
63. And smelled fresh cut grass recently
64. And very strongly today outside meeting. Beautiful.
65. And a pungent flower smell outside D’s house today.
66. And I have God in my life.
67. And MA wrote back and prayed TWICE! Bless her
68. And I had my nutrients today
69. And the 6 or 5 of us had girl talk today at lunch about the royal wedding. That was fun.
70. And I am not the only person going through this. I don’t mean that in a misery wants company kind of way. I’d rather others be happy. But I mean that others can get through it and so so can I.
71. And I filed my nails today.
72. And have lots of healthy food ready for tomorrow.
73. And Tues is Sp step 5 and Wed is dr.
74. And Thurs I can read or something
75. God hears my prayers
76. And I am getting better at hearing His answers.
77. I am grateful that EJ mentioned my recipe from my blog. I am really not alone there!
78. And I am grateful that I really do pray for those people daily.
79. And that Jo is offering up her *Mass * for our marriage!
80. I offer tomorrow for it right now.
81. And tonight. And am grateful for both those thoughts, of course.
82. Garlic hummus
83. Less Earth Balance and a little olive oil on my veggie casserole now.
84. Inspiration I get from others
85. New friends I’m making through oa
86. I get to call Sp tomorrow morning. Missed Sp today.
87. Lots of productive stuff to do this week
88. And idealistic
89. And some fun
90. Going to start doing more hobby stuff at table in evenings when not at meeting. Colorforms, painting, coloring, drawing, crafts from hobby cabinet, etc.
91. Will think of more.
92. And if J ever walks in, he’ll see that. And it’ll be real.
93. That I’m finishing these within the day again now.
94. That I did finally decide to add a Dear God category to my blog.
95. That tomorrow, between moving ahead in math, last poetry writing, good one, comp. room or in class for state research, and opening Stanleys, private reading, n-f reading work, spelling, and song, we’ll have plenty of great stuff to do! And they should have fun!
96. This Pretty Planet, We Are All the Leaves of One Tree, State song, Green Speckled Frog for math subtraction song.
97. And can even use for multiplication too!
98. And we can get lots online.
99. Maybe even a little budget for?
100. Some multi-cultural songs too? I am grateful for these ideas.
101. Hope.
102. Thank you, God.
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