I am grateful:
1. That I have awakened on this beautiful morning,
2. Prayed on my knees,
3. Gone to the bathroom,
4. Gotten coffee,
5. And prayed 3rd step with full heart
6. And am now sitting here in the l.r. hearing what sound like healthy, happy birds sing
7. And that yesterday afternoon P. told me to check my e-mail, and there it was: a diagnosis for F. *with a plan for helping him * so that 1) he will be getting helped 2) I helped that happen 3. In P’s words, it validates me, and that I *knew * all year that something was wrong and needed to be addressed.
8. Sp also saying Tues, lives life. “Who cares what anybody else thinks! FUCK them!”
9. I must have said this in an earlier one but I feel it more strongly now, after dr. was looking that way yesterday, and after being at Sp’s place, and even M’s only just got one: I am so grateful that I have a fireplace.
10. That I just, “accidentally,” saw on my desktop, which I look at many times every day, right there, a lovely bird-in-flowers thing I didn’t even know I had and don’t remember getting, and the kids will love coloring it today
11. We got to the Met safely and were safe there, and got back safely
12. *I did not get sick. Tired yes, lol, but not sick!
13. It was lovely. It was lovely. I so enjoyed the trip. I actually enjoyed the trip.
14. I was looking at Impressionist paintings and other amazing works of art, “The Thinker,” and Degas ballerina sculpture…What an environment. Even the frames.
15. And the frames were nice thoughts about my mother too (and her love of fancy mirrors and frames)
16. And I shall have tea with her today
17. And little R asked me to eat with him and him friend, and I actually said no I had to stand where I could see everybody, but then realized that was awful and so said, “I had to come over. I couldn’t resist you.”
18. And he was happy.
19. And a few others joined and were happy too.
20. And *I * had a *great * time!
21. And – he got a Circle of Friends sticker for including me.
22. And kids moved for other kids who need the front of the bus.
23. And that resulted in major stickerage too.
24. And kids decided to sing the math froggy song I taught them while waiting for the other class on the bus.
25. And I led so we’d get the numbers right…And the parents must have respected that. I think they did
26. Then – still waiting – we sang for them, the We Are All the Leaves of One Tree song
27. And I didn’t let Mrs. L’s crazies get to me much.
28. The fact that I do my prayers and some gratitides and then can’t wait to get to my readings, is evidence that I’m starting to get out of my own head.
29. And the fact that even after that, I can’t wait to get to the vb to post meditations, or to my e-mail, is evidence of the fact that I do like and need to extend to other people. Yay.
30. The mothers were kind to the children on the trip yesterday.
31. Nice time on bus with Meredith
32. I am becoming less critical of people
33. I don’t go days and days without my phone ringing.
34. I read the Just for Today cardboard today
35. In today’s For Today it says: “Whether an experience brings me pleasure or pain, there is always one great benefit: the slow unfolding of new understanding.”
36. And “I am beginning to accept myself, yielding to reality, to the slow and nurturing way of nature.”
37. And “I see resentments disappear, hurts heal, and in their place, the ability to love and forgive myself and others, as God loves and forgives me.”
38. I will have a time today to let the kids color, build, and do puzzles.
39. I am working on becoming less angry.
40. Laughed with Sp this am
41. Am healthy
42. Am doing my gratitudes
43. Left O a caring message last night.
44. Dr also pushing me to do assets list (Sp’s “other side of coin”)
45. Have started it
46. I am grateful that I did rest, and I did sleep
47. And that my dr was here for me
48. And there was not a bad message from J
49. And I bled the bathroom radiator last night
50. And I woke up this morning
51. And the trees are in leaf
52. And a beautiful *big * bird flew by, down low, as I was driving
53. The parkway was a nice view
54. My mother woke up
55. I managed to quell my fear and anger before calling her back, and I think to say things well
56. Lice check got changed for us after my mistake
57. Spa was switched to first thing this morning, which gave me some time
58. I managed to have a little breakfast
59. And to make some green tea, which I am sipping now
60. From a cheerful Mickey and Minnie cup
61. And I don’t smell
62. And I have clean clothes every day
63. Tr is here today. As always, yay
64. Kids seem well this am
65. Colorforms will be tomorrow, for Fun Friday (at least some)
66. I will either see my mother for tea later today, or breakfast early Saturday? Hopefully today.
67. I smell fresh cut (being cut!) grass from right here, right now
68. I have managed to get down on paper, 56 assets already.
69. Maybe at lunchtime
70. I can go to CoDA tongiht.
71. MAYBE I’ll offer to drive across town and pick up R and take her and take her home. Maybe. If I can.
72. Buds cancelling gave me an opportunity to teach them the looking up of words.
73. Children’s art
74. Children’s crafts
75. Dollar store jigsaw puzzles; M. told me about them.
76. That I was able once again, today, to ask my 15 (I took one off, Rh, who doesn’t seem to want to…) people, to pray again.
77. That they already earned a sticker today
78. That F is doing significantly better now.
79. ***That I mentioned the fridge/rug thing to P!***
80. That I will TODAY offer to pay Jo for the ink/toner…
81. That meditating is becoming a part of my daily life now. I would rather do it every day, even though it’s only 10 minutes, than do 20 minutes every other day etc.
82. Idea to teach buds the Leaves of One Tree song
83. And that we’ll get to see their i-movies
84. That I was able to borrow M’s electrical cord this am for computer
85. That we get along *so well. * Not every friend gets along so well *at work. * And not every colleague becomes good friend with another colleague, that’s for sure!
86. Maybe I’ll get to do some colorforms at home this pm. Even take a V earlier if have to. Must relax other than tv. Oh wait, maybe t with mother, colorforms, then meeting? Hm but then what about R. I’m grateful that *this * is my choice, not whether will escape from POW camp or something!
87. That I’m remembering the law of attraction more
88. That I did do my affirmations on my blog today. Almost forgot.
89. That it’s okay that I have missed 2 days of 100 gratitudes a day. Only two. And it’s been a while. And I’m forming a habit. And it will help me.
90. And it probably is already helping me.
91. Maybe at lunchtime today I’ll read VT☺
92. I am happy for word games.
93. And that M shared that she colors too
94. And that her kids are healthy
95. And that I know how to get to Sp’s now I won’t even have to *look at * directions!
96. And that I will probably check in with O again later today.
97. That MM remembered to return my books yesterday : )
98. That we have Mr. Putter and Tabby books here in the classroom.
99. That MA is honestly considering dropping some books clubs and/or library work. For herself/health/health.
100. That I managed to have time to do this by now today: )
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