I am grateful:
1. Today’s For Today, about love.
2. Thich Nhat Hanh’s talk in Trafalgar Square, about love.
3. Lee Krasner’s paintings. I have just become acquainted with her work, and she joins Kandinsky as my favorite! (She was also Jackson Pollock’s wife, and was born in Brooklyn). I googled under Images, lee krasner paintings. There are many gorgeous ones here: https://www.google.com/search?q=lee+krasner+paintings&hl=en&client=firefox-a&hs=PbP&rls=org.mozilla:en-US:official&prmd=imvnso&source=lnms&tbm=isch&ei=hPOLT8-LE8io0AHm2rDHCQ&sa=X&oi=mode_link&ct=mode&cd=2&sqi=2&ved=0CCAQ_AUoAQ&biw=918&bih=462
4. Museums
5. My two TNH calligraphies that I bought for myself. And that one of them says simply, “Love Is the Way.”
6. And that the other says, “Let Go, Dear.”
7. That Love is the way. Love is the way.
8. That I am so filled with love now.
9. The warm weather right now. Not overly warm this morning. House is perfection.
10. Lying naked last night falling asleep.
11. Alone in big queen sized bed but not lonely!
12. Little bit of breeze over my skin in the warm room, from the window.
13. L sharing things about his musical beginnings.
14. Me falling asleep with so many good things in my head and heart! Thank you, God!
15. My dealing with yesterday with grace. May I do so again today, in all ways.
16. The poetry my darling little students are writing.
17. My job.
18. That I don’t get headaches. I have seen Jo with one, and L with several, and P getting a migraine, and K with migraines. And L told me I should be very grateful that I don’t get them. And I am.
19. That I can walk.
20. That it is spring.
21. That I hear many birds outside right now.
22. It is Wednesday now. My dr. comes today.
23. I am going to a concert tomorrow night with L! On a weeknight! I’m so excited!
24. M will be with her parents, so she has cancelled with me for tomorrow night. And I’m happy for her
25. And happy for me that I am freed to do this
26. J said he’ll come and show me the bills again; I’m so confused.
27. I’m so grateful for the meditation with 2 classes yesterday
28. ALL the help I’ve given M with both classes recently
29. L is paying for tomorrow night
30. And for dinner too
31. My principal let me go 10 minutes early last week, so I could do something for my mother. Yay
32. And last night I took my mother to dinner. Yay.
33. And we had an okay time.
34. And although I didn’t expect to, I had good dinner
35. And I had a big salad for lunch yesterday
36. And I’m going to lunch with N today!
37. And possibly with O on Friday!
38. Mendelsohn
39. Chopin
40. Bach
41. L playing Bach on my piano for me last Sun morning, while I lay on the sofa listening. What a morning!
42. That he is the first person who’s touched my piano (outside of O, who is my teacher, and me, and the party-attender who once touched it for one chord).
43. Coffee
44. My legs
45. I’m losing weight.
46. Jo, our computer expert at school. I love her. I love her as a person, not just as a computer teacher.
47. Humor
48. Jokes
49. Riddles
50. That my kids (students) love them.
51. And share them with each other.
52. How good they were yesterday, for the sake of others in our school. It was beautiful.
53. And I rewarded them.
54. And I’ll bet they do the same today!
55. Dinner in the city. I’m so excited about that! Tomorrow night!
56. Woody Allen.
57. Jeopardy last night
58. Watching it on phone with L.
59. Answering a bunch.
60. Kisses
61. Daylight. More of it in this season than just before.
62. Famous puzzles, like the bridges over the rivers once, can you take a walk such that you cross every bridge once…oiler theorem.
63. Logic. I’m not good at it but some people are, and even at a certain level, a couple of my second graders are
64. Apples.
65. Organic apples.
66. Books
67. That I can read
68. That I help others to read
69. That I can drive.
70. My Masters degree
71. That I get along well with D at work.
72. Car services
73. The vegan place near work
74. L’s voice. He is talking in my ear right now as I type.
75. Hand cream.
76. Lip balm.
77. Lee Krasner. My new favorite artist! Up there with Kandisky! (Or above?)
78. That I’ve finally found her works.
79. And that she was married to Jackson Pollock. That tickles me. Uh oh, maybe I’ve said this already?
80. That next week, my mother and I should get to go for Thai food.
81. And I’ll pay.
82. And she paid yesterday.
83. My sponsor.
84. My health!
85. Water!
86. Swimming
87. All the freedoms I have. Like freedom of speech, despite the recent bill sneaked through which removes some of the freedom of speech : ( Still grateful for all have
88. JJ
89. Birdie
90. EJ
91. My mother
92. Credit card
93. Checkbook
94. Cash
95. Savings
96. Fairness. Everywhere where fairness exists
97. Eye drops
98. Vitamins
99. Claritan
100. My helping that student, S
101. R having first honest moment yesterday! (student)
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