Tuesday, April 24, 2012


I am grateful: 1. Life 2. Breath 3. Voice 4. A glorious weekend last weekend 5. The mall with L. 6. Lunch – artichoke – at The Cheesecake Factory 7. Dinner – at the place where L had salmon and I had a veggie thing. So nice 8. The wines together 9. That he wrote, “Luvya dear. Another glorious weekend.” 10. That some people at work do want to meditate together at work. 11. And I will do this with them 12. And for them 13. And for me 14. Jigsaw puzzles. For the kids 15. M (my friend) 16. Jo (my friend, colleague, computer person) 17. That I get paid for sick days 18. That I get a few personal days too, with pay 19. I am underpaid, but I get those days and am grateful for that 20. That I serve on the math committee 21. Ji 22. Je (both M’s girls) 23. Kisses 24. Sex 25. Orgasms 26. Prayer 27. Multi-dimensional life 28. Reiki 29. Meditation 30. Thich Nahn Hanh 31. That I’ve never been attacked violently by a stranger 32. That I’ve never been in a fire 33. That I have health!! 34. And eyesight! 35. And water! 36. Kindness 37. This idea, the name of which I forget, about the more an idea is out there, the more it multiplies. Will find out more about it, from book(s) and/or L, next week! Very exciting! 38. Math 39. Globes 40. Atlases 41. Teaching Math 42. Teaching geography 43. Teaching reading 44. The note I got from a kid’s parent yesterday. He is years past my class, but mom wrote and said he still loves reading, and *I * was the one who made that change. 45. My lessons from T, the child who died years ago 46. And from Le, the young man who had formerly been my student, who was killed. 47. That I haven’t been picked when I had to go in for jury duty. 48. That I went to London! 49. Alone! 50. S 51. And Jo. I am so glad they are in my life. 52. MA 53. That I might see her Sunday 54. Vegan thing this weekend 55. And Jo’s birthday 56. And JA 57. And that I might see her next week. What wealth I have – friendships!! 58. That I have a fridge 59. That I pray first thing upon opening my eyes every morning now 60. And that it is a prayer of gratitude! 61. Followed by an offering of myself/my day! 62. That I get along well with my principal 63. And pretty much everyone at work 64. That L is coming with me to the staff party in June! I’m so lucky. 65. That we have couple friends. 66. Life is so much more normal now, than it was with J. 67. Who would have thought it? I’m grateful that I hung on! 68. A wonderful (!) French lesson yesterday! 69. Piano recital a month later. Maybe I *can * play in it after all… 70. My lunch with O last week 71. Big concert date coming up in May! I’m excited! 72. L’s libraries – he has too. (They’re not “real” libraries; they’re “extra” rooms, filled with shelves of books.) (Not to mention the books in his l.r. and bedroom. So wonderful). 73. That he lends to me 74. That I am careful with them. 75. That I am feeling SO MUCH better than I was! Even a couple of months ago 76. And have lost 20 pounds in two months. 77. And am eating! 78. And moving! 79. That I can walk 80. And have two wonderful, functional hands. 81. My mother 82. That I’m taking her to dinner Thurs. 83. J’s help with bills – (doing, not money). I should be on own after today 84. That I’m getting together the info lawyer wants. 85. Cups and saucers 86. Mugs 87. Today’s coffee: mixture of hazelnut and espresso, with cinnamon and coconut milk. So good. 88. That my intestines work 89. And my stomach 90. And my esophagus 91. And my saliva 92. And my teeth 93. And my swallowing. I remember when my mom’s didn’t. I’m so lucky to be able to swallow 94. That Jo’s b’day is Saturday, and the two couples will be together. 95. St. Her friendship, her example, her fine mothering of her boys. 96. That *I * have inspired some people. Wow! 97. Parties 98. Get-togethers 99. Fun 100. Word puzzles/games.

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