As in my grats today which I'll finish soon.
"So many of us have been brainwashed to think that we can't have what we want in life. That is the belief of the martyr. It is born of deprivation and fear. Identifying what we want and need, then writing it down, sets in motion a powerful chain of events. It indicates that we are taking responsibility for ourselves, giving God and the Universe permission to supply our wants and needs.The belief that we deserve to have a change in character, a relationship, a new dimension to an existing relationship, a possession, a certain level of health, living, loving, or success, is a powerful force in bringing that desire to pass. Often, when we realize that we want something, that feeling is God preparing us to receive it! Listen. Trust. Empower the good in your life by paying attention to what you want and need. Write it down. Affirm it mentally. Pray about it. Then, let it go. Give it to God, and see what happens. The results may be better than you think. Today, I will pa attention to what I want and need. I will take time to write it down, then I will let it go. I will begin to believe I deserve the best."
Identifying what I want and need:
I want and need to feel like I am worthwhile.
I want and need to feel like my life is worthwhile.
I want and need to feel full instead of empty.
I want and need to be, and feel, healthy.
I want and need a great and loving marriage with J.
I want and need to eat well and exercise.
I want and need to learn French.
I want and need to play piano well.
I want and need to heal from my co-dependence and be a full partner.
I want and need to be loved and desired.
I want and need peace.
I want and need to give up my character defects.
I want and need to have enough money to live a better lifestyle than the one I'm living now.
I want and need to be physically safe.
I want and need a well-rounded life. Good marriage, good friends, valuable work, nice home, social life, inner peace.
This may seem like a lot but it is not. God and the Universe are infinite. They can provide all.
I will do my part and take responsibility by:
Listening for God's guidance.
Doing my work for both programs. Including eating well, the part that's been hardest for me, even if I have to white-knuckle it.
Not intruding on J., but being friendly and positive like all the experts seem to say.
Taking care of myself, my home, my job, my food, my clothes.
Saying/writing positives each day, at least morning, maybe pm too.
Continuing to nurture friendships.
Continuing to do my work well.
God, I will meditate to increase my conscious contact with you and your will.
I need health and my marriage and an inner sense of security. These are my main needs. I know you can provide.
I will do the footwork and put the results in your hands. I will do the footwork and leave the results to you. Yes. I will.
I believe that I am created by God and that God and the Universe are infinite and can provide ALL our needs.
And that they will provide for mine.
I let go, in full belief.
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