Sunday, June 10, 2012


I am so grateful: 1. L is not as sick as he was 10 days ago. 2. Dinosaurs’ humor 3. I’m grateful for the wonderful Soviet music L shared with me last night! 4. And – that I’ll get to see him Friday! For the weekend! 5. And – we’ll do wonderful things together, as always! 6. His humor! 7. His sexuality! 8. His kisses – omg those kisses 9. His caresses 10. Those orgasms he gives me 11. I am beginning to learn him 12. L is grateful for his dinner last night 13. And his walk yesterday 14. And that both of them led to a nice long nap 15. Computers. For L musically. And for me gratitudinally 16. I’m grateful for that wonderful dish I made yesterday. Concocted, wrote down the ingredients and healthy and delicious 17. Finally! I had a better piano practice this morning. 18. That L filled his pool. It’s like summer is really coming/here. Yay! 19. That L. has so many friends. Including BW 20. And B P 21. And S 22. And J 23. And B 24. And J A 25. And B H 26. And J T 27. S H 28. And his cousins, including A 29. And R 30. And Fr 31. And Ap 32. And that so many people love him. 33. Including me. 34. My lawyer 35. And the good lawyer for my mother. 36. He says gratitudes that has such good friends who call and are concerned about him. 37. And that he’s been able to assemble his library – 38. Ex. 3 shelves full of books on Shostakovich 39. His music library in specific 40. And his music library the music itself also 41. P. S., his friend who provided him with so much of it 42. His neighbors 43. That he and I went to that George Crumb concert 44. That he has lent me two good books 45. Time. Oh, dear Lord, soon it will be summer, and I shall have more time! Some time! 46. Vegan cookbooks! 47. Dinosaur humor 48. That I sent some happy dinosaur thingies to L this morning. 49. And that he liked them. 50. My eyes – I mean shallowly, the look of them 51. My hair 52. That I am off today 53. And that Wednesday, I am in conference all day 54. That L’s neighbor J helps him with the pool and things around the house and pool. 55. And that he is able to pay him. 56. *I * am grateful that L. has so many books. A real library of them. I mean, the house was not BUILT with a library-library – but he has one room off his master bedroom which we call the library and it is walls of shelves full 57. And his office. And his l.r. And his bedroom. All have shelves of books. And all WORTHWHILE books!!! 58. His education. 59. My education. 60. Laughter 61. Cartoons 62. L. says, “I am grateful for the Internet.” 63. I am grateful for L. 64. I am grateful that L’s body tells him when he is hungry. 65. Water. Access to plenty of fresh clean water. 66. I’m grateful that L just found that book for which he was looking. 67. And that he reviewed it for the Journal. 68. Papyrus cards 69. The *time * I spend selecting the one(s) to send to L. 70. That I will – will – get my mother’s stuff to her today that I promised I would get to her today. 71. Spirituality. MY spirituality. 72. Typing. Writing. Piano playing. Reiki. Comforting a child. And an adult. Lovemaking. Hugging. Caressing. Cooking. Cleaning. Laundry. Driving. All the things I do with my hands. So grateful for my hands. 73. Mrs. B, my main piano teacher for all those years. 74. And that I “took over” her studio, with her guidance, when she moved. 75. And Miss U, my first piano teacher. 76. And that despite all my problems – shyness, fear, lack of ability, not good enough at practicing, busyness, mother stuff, end of year work stuff, in course that whole week, . . . that I AM keeping my commitment to O, and playing in that recital. God help me, lol. 77. O 78. My friends, including dear M 79. And O 80. And St 81. And MA 82. And ML 83. My cousins 84. My French lessons 85. And my French teacher 86. Soviet music. And that L has shared some with me. 87. ***The romantic things he sometimes says to me. Oh. 88. And the romantic things he sometimes writes to me. Oh. 89. The 3 cards he has given/sent to me. Oh. 90. YouTube 91. Reba McIntire. I don’t love her songs! But I do love her voice! 92. People who take in foster children. 93. People who adopt children. 94. That my mother’s best friend, M’s brother, who with his wife *adopted FOUR children * , has recently taken in a FIFTH! Oh my goodness! 95. The Red Army chorus performances of Soviet era songs and that L has introduced me to them. 96. Our shares of music. 97. That he is not critical of my ignorance 98. That he shares SO MUCH music with me 99. The time we spent like 4 hours here caressing and listening! 100. That we BOTH play some piano. 101. That my mother is alive. 102. And is getting physical therapy/physical rehab 103. And is happy there!

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