Thursday, September 13, 2012
My 100 Gratitudes Today
I am grateful:
1. I did well yesterday, the first day of school
2. My kids are adorable
3. They seemed happy
4. They seemed to like me
5. I got there safely
6. I got home safely
7. I have gotten to and from L’s, 1 – 2 hours away usually closer to 1, safely every time
8. M bought cute erasers to give out
9. I raffled lots of good stuff too
10. Ma came in as my aide.
11. It was great! She took some initiative, and we got a lot done. She may not get to stay, but I was sure glad she was there yesterday!
12. Reruns of Friends sitcom
13. L’s interest in dinosaurs
14. Little kids believing in Santa
15. The skirt I wore yesterday
16. That I’ll get to my mother’s this morning before work and get this freakin’ bill stuff done
17. And J will come this weekend to go over some money stuff with me. It means I won’t get to go to L’s but I really need this
18. Laughter
19. Innocence
20. And innocents. Like my students
21. The beautiful amazing poem L wrote for me the other day
22. And the one he wrote last March too.
23. Next day – I am grateful that I have such sweet kids (class)
24. Innocents
25. And that I am so nice to them
26. And for their adorable little papers they wrote, about wht they want their teacher to know about them
27. And for our new computer teacher
28. And that he will help me to do Garage Band with them in a couple months
29. And that he set up my computers
30. And set up my SMARTBoard
31. And put the printers on my computers
32. Well, it’s Fri morning now, and I’m feeling wiped out. Exhausted. And knee very bad – long story – BUT – I DO remember yesterday, thinking, “I like my life.” And that was a BIG deal. And I’m VERY grateful for that.
33. I got my hair cut and colored yesterday. That is a luxury.
34. L. is coming HERE this weekend. I have been going THERE since mid-July! I’m grateful that I don’t have the drive. Nervous about what the heck to do, with all this exhaustion and the rain – but glad he’s doing the driving this time.
35. Plus SO glad he WANTS to see me!
36. And now it’s a long time later. September 13. Schedule has been insane and I’ve been so fatigued. But I am grateful that I’m still alive
37. And I haven’t had an accident
38. I filled the car with gas yesterday
39. And am getting it inspected it today.
40. I’m grateful that L and I had a talk the other night and things seem good
41. And that my doctor helped me with my insecurities last night
42. And that I am working on a schedule; must do MY things to keep up Myself and security and wholeness
43. And that I’m doing this this morning
44. I’m grateful for the daily meditation books.
45. I’m grateful that this class is so adorable
46. And that I’ve been sleeping every night, through the night
47. I am so grateful for M’s friendship
48. And that I did take my old and very sick mother out for her birthday
49. So very grateful that J is helping so much with her!
50. I am grateful that he saw the new 9/11 memorial near my house
51. And that maybe soon I might see doggie.
52. Grateful also, I think, that she’s not here full-time
53. So grateful that within a few short breaths, the mindfulness brings me such peace. What a gift!
54. I’m grateful for pedicures
55. And for this beautiful wonderful laptop
56. And that since my school one broke, and Open House is tonight, the computer person is getting me a loaner today
57. I’m grateful that M and I work together! Especially with these pain in the ass other two with whom I have to work. I don’t want to be this way but it’s how it feels
58. Grateful that L said, and I quote, “I love you Cheryl.”
59. And, “You are very special to me.”
60. And, “I cherish this relationship.”
61. Grateful that with him and S and J coming Saturday into Sunday, and me taking my mother for medical test Tuesday, that I’m just plain old off on Monday! : )
62. I’m grateful that I sent that check out for my mother yesterday!
63. And those bills of mine
64. And that my kids did the fun science
65. And the fun math
66. I am grateful that I’ve fit in time for the 100 grats again starting today. Very important.
67. I’m so grateful that I don’t eat animals
68. And that many people don’t now, or do so less
69. I’m grateful for beaches
70. And parks
71. And my yard
72. I’m grateful for my air conditioners
73. And that L has his biomat he loves so much. Such luxuries
74. I’m grateful that I can read
75. And that I’m in the book course again
76. And have the book
77. And have started it
78. And that my sponsor is still speaking to me
79. I’m grateful that I did FINALLY manage to practice a little piano yesterday
80. And should be able to again today.
81. And that my classroom is not a mess. Yet?
82. I’m grateful that I saw a baby squirrel right here on my property. So cute
83. And that that ginormous rat was only a dream!
84. I’m grateful that I have a washer
85. And dryer.
86. And don’t have to go even outside the house to use them, like in one house I saw
87. And I’m literally grateful that I have a kitchen sink
88. And a small class
89. I’m grateful, so grateful, for God
90. And Buddha
91. And Thich Nhat Hanh
92. And that I’ve sat with him on four retreats. Wow.
93. And that I was part of the sit-in for peace in Trafalgar Square! Oh my gosh
94. I am grateful that I can enjoy a little wine And am not an alcoholic
95. I am grateful for every good, nutritious, light meal I have
96. And that L had a totally vegetarian, almost totally raw dinner last night
97. And that I don’t have to cook for S and J this weekend!
98. I am grateful for the skirt I wore yesterday. Really.
99. And that I have something nice to wear today/tonight as well
100. And for comfortable, cute shoes.
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