Wednesday, September 19, 2012

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful: 1. I am grateful that I am alive 2. And that my mother is doing well 3. I am grateful that L cares for me. I don’t know if I can stay with him much longer, but I am grateful that he cares for me 4. And that we have had so many nice times 5. I am grateful that I am sitting here doing my gratitudes 6. And for my good new book 7. And my piano practice 8. And that I WILL get some things fixed here. Somehow. I have gotten over other phobias, and I can get over this too. 9. I am grateful for M’s friendship. 10. And MA’s 11. And O’s 12. And Li’s 13. And S and Jo’s 14. I am so grateful that I have a job, and enough money to pay my bills 15. And access to fresh, organic vegetation food 16. And to fresh, clean water 17. That I am now able to go over the George Washington Bridge 18. That M gets up early too, and we have a phone chat almost every single morning of our lives 19. That MA was able to really enjoy her big trip 20. That I am able to be grateful on behalf of OTHERS sometimes 21. That I can type. I love the feeling so much. 22. I am grateful that although it is expensive, and I don’t use it much at all – like I’ve literally bought things there twice – that there is a Whole Foods near me 23. And my hfs 24. And a Trader Joe’s 25. And supermarkets 26. I’m grateful that after that blackout yesterday, my power did come back on 27. And that it was such a short blackout 28. I’m grateful for my health! 29. And that I have all 4 limbs 30. And 10 fingers and 10 toes 31. I am grateful that I can see 32. I am so very grateful, especially after my guilty feelings the other day, that my mother thanked me over and over yesterday for “all I do for her” and said she appreciates me…and loves me so much… And it was all real. And it felt so good. 33. I’m grateful that, as L is too busy and rushed to call me this morning, that at least I’m on the phone with M, so I’m not alone. 34. I’m feeling lonely and scared and vulnerable – um – I’m grateful um – for the ability to feel 35. And to know what I feel 36. And to be able to say it out loud, like to a friend 37. I am grateful for my iPhone 38. And my landline 39. And my little home even though it needs work 40. Vitamins 41. Eye drops 42. That I have hair. I saw a woman yesterday who didn’t. 43. Lists. I like lists. I like making them. 44. Nice people. I am so grateful for nice people. 45. That I can get my car inspected today. 46. And walk right back. 47. Comedies 48. The lovely color of the blue sky. And that I can see it. 49. The happy moments I’ve had 50. Movies 51. DVDs 52. Salad 53. Woods 54. Beaches 55. The park 2 blocks from my house 56. Culture. All the cultural events I’ve attended. Like plays 57. Concerts 58. And ballet 59. And opera. 60. Enjoyable train rides I’ve had 61. Hope 62. Breathing on my own 63. That I have a speaking voice. I remember when I didn’t – for the better part of 8 months! 64. Buddhism 65. That I have a piano in my classroom 66. I do not have a dread disease 67. I am funny. People say that, and like that about me 68. I am a good teacher. My students are very happy. And of course, learning. 69. That I like teaching math. I never knew I would. 70. That I can do needlepoint 71. And crewel work 72. And crochet 73. And knit 74. And that I have always enjoyed stamped cross-stitch so much. 75. Women with blonde hair. I like looking at them. 76. That I have this teaching day all planned in advance. 77. And I should have tomorrow’s too. 78. Language 79. Paintings 80. Museums 81. That I’ve been to them. 82. Including in London! 83. That I WENT to London! 84. By myself!!!!! 85. And enjoyed it so much! Yay oh yay oh yay. 86. Everyone who has ever been compassionate to me 87. The strength I DO have 88. That I have a tv 89. And electricity 90. And a desk 91. And it’s pretty 92. Papyrus cards 93. That I have a fireplace 94. And 2 little closets 95. My little sunroom 96. That I have a functional kitchen 97. And can walk 98. And can drive 99. And can hear 100. And can communicate

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