I am grateful:
1. The Health Expo yesterday
2. And that I went
3. And met L. there which was fine and nice
4. And got a couple of things.
5. And that I do need them.
6. Dinner at place I’ve never been before.
7. Had vegetable curry in mild green sauce.
8. And a great Japanese salad with like 5 different parts.
9. And a nice Argentinian Sherah Melbec wine.
10. And – dessert! Oh boy. Tofu cheesecake coconut. Yum.
11. Water.
12. The 13 block walk in the brisk weather
13. The car home
14. MA on phone right now.
15. And saying I am the one who will understand… what she’s going through
16. And I do.
17. My birdies, Summer, and Jewel.
18. Vegetables.
19. Fruits
20. That I treated my mother to grape juice, which she loves.
21. The inspiration and example that MA is to me.
22. Might be doing dinner with MA tonight!
23. Friendships
24. Vegan restaurants
25. Vegetarian restaurants
26. Restaurants that are almost vegan (some still serve a separate menu of fish)
27. My womanhood. Really
28. The men that have helped me to appreciate it too
29. Bodies
30. That my body was made to do so many things. Like see
31. Hear
32. Taste
33. Smell
34. Feel
35. It is Tues morning already. I am so grateful for so much. I’m grateful that I did my mother’s shopping yesterday.
36. And that on the way, in the car, I felt such a tremendous sense of well- being.
37. And she was in great shape yesterday
38. The special magical day I had with the birds yesterday. They took millet from the stick I was holding
39. And even came out on it like a perch
40. And then I wheeled them into the l.r. and played piano for them
41. Well, I mean I wheeled them in there while I practiced for an hour. And they seemed to love it.
42. Then later they were playing with their new toys. Two of them.
43. And playing and singing and seemed so happy.
44. That they bring me such joy.
45. That I gave Reiki to a friend.
46. And it wound up so great for me, too!
47. That I saw MA Sunday night
48. And we spent 4 hours together
49. And had a wonderful time
50. And a close time too.
51. And that she told me how much she loves me and how important I am.
52. And I told her too.
53. And she called yesterday to thank me for the special time…
54. And that M told me yesterday how she loves me very much.
55. And that on the way I stopped and bought the birds’ toys.
56. And I will rotate them every few weeks or so.
57. I might see O. for lunch today.
58. I love sex. But don’t want to be bothered right now. And am glad am not being, right now.
59. I am grateful that I have so much to “take fro granted.” Not grateful that I take it for granted – grateful that I have it. Like just getting up and walking in to other room
60. And uncovering birdies
61. And picking up eyeglasses
62. And can see
63. And can read with them
64. And picking up laptop
65. And it works
66. And the electricity works
67. And the coffee maker works
68. And there just IS a cup…
69. And water
70. And coffee
71. And refrigerated food
72. And a toilet. It needs to be fixed or replaced, but it is here and working enough
73. That spring (weather) is really coming.
74. And I can walk outside.
75. That I am not as phobic as I used to be
76. I was watching Golden Girls last night, rerun from what, the 90’s? late 80’s? And Blanche was complaining… aging… and Dorothy said, “Oh come on, Blanche. You’ve got your looks, your health, a couple o’ bucks in the bank, and friends who love you. And that’s more than a lot of people have.” And I thought, I do too. Well, I don’t so much think I’ve got my looks, but I’m not hideous. And I don’t have “money,” but I’m able to live. So yes: that applies to me too.
77. I think I chose the EXACT right two birds.
78. They seemed to be the two, out of three cages of birds, that really loved each other.
79. Okay. This is big. Gulp. Yesterday, I ate 2 eggs. I bought organic, free range cage free vegetarian…. And I cooked and ate them. Two of them. That means not vegan. But I did it because I had broken my veganism anyway, for CRAP! As I’ve “confessed” here. And I have been thinking about and wanting, and sort of craving an egg for the better part of TEN MONTHS! So yesterday, I decided, “If you ate crap, and it came from milk from a mistreated cow, for your obsessive-compulsive eating disorder, then you can eat a probably well-treated chicken’s egg for 10 months of craving and it is REAL food, not crap….”
80. And I don’t feel bad about doing it. A little mixed, but fine.
81. Don’t care about the “label.” And it was kind of freeing.
82. Mostly still do want to be vegan now though and grateful for that too.
83. Don’t feel so bad about myself for not being a great saver like my mother. I am a great worker.
84. I just walked through the house to get a Claritan, and thought/felt, “I am good ENOUGH.” Wow. That was a nice feeling.
85. Ionic thing. Device. You can see it at health fairs with the gunk in the basin from people’s feet. But it is NOT about “detoxing through the feet,” which is ridiculous. It is about ionic cleansing. And then you eliminate toxins over the next day or two. All I can say is I did it last weekend and had two amazing happy clean night’s sleep and two amazing happy cheerful good-outlook days.
86. And I did it this week again and had the same!
87. I have fruits and veggies here
88. Ate a beautiful organic orange yesterday
89. Two IM chats fun this am.
90. Gonna wheel birds to front of the little house while I do stuff – or at least while I practice
91. Fb page “romancing your soul
92. That I will clean today
93. And then it will be done (for this time)
94. Friends
95. Fresh coffee this am
96. That I sleep well
97. My l.r.
98. Humor
99. Breath
100. Ability to speak.