Sunday, March 10, 2013

I'll Stop Soon - Really:)

They, after about 2 hours here, have started a little very sweet chirping and singing.
And now, after a little over 3 hours, are eating.
They really stick together!
One giant perch and two little ones. They like to be on one of the little ones together.
2 food bowls. The are each perched on one together, eating from it together.
I am happy with these little lovies!


  1. Don't forget to put out a shallow bowl for them with warmish water when you let them out of the cage. Parakeets love to take a bath and it is the funniest thing. Let them out as often as you can. If you are home, let them out of the cage then put them back when you go out or to bed. (Make sure the windows are closed!) The more they are out the tamer the will be. Also pick them up a lot. Teach them to sit on your shoulder. (Put a cloth on your shoulder first.) My parakeets would preen me when they sat with me. I eventually was able to put my hand up and call them and they would come and land in it.

  2. How beautiful! How wonderful! Thank you so much for all of this priceless information! Did you have the wings "clipped?"

  3. Yes, I did clip their wings some of the time but other times not. Get someone to show you how to do it. It is not hard at all.
