I am grateful:
1. A beautiful meditation practice just now
2. Our wonderful Tibetan bell with its gorgeous sound and lovely resonance
3. An online community of people who are willing and excited to be part of a daily meditation thread, starting today!
4. I got through my birthday
5. Wearing the Buddha necklace around my neck is a sort of constant reminder that there is indeed, peace “is” every step
6. Mon. I shall ask about the retreat
7. That I began the work of not being a pessimist, in my 20’s.
8. I know I’ve said pillows, or at least throw pillow before, but I don’t think I’ve said this one and there’s something about a soft place to put my head *at night * that is so wonderful.
9. Peanut butter. The protein and fat really gets me through
10. The kale salad(s) from the hfs. For 10 dollars a week, I get three healthy lunches (adding a few almonds to it). And get in my all-important-for-my-emotional-health-greens
11. That I’ve begun this week, keeping track of every penny I spend on food, coffee, and am lowering it! And yes, I can then save some *plus * it affords me the kale salad ability every week!
12. That I shall have broccoli in garlic sauce with brown rice for lunch today and M. will be treating me
13. The lessons I learn from little Ji
14. And little Je
15. That I know my cell phone number now
16. J called yesterday
17. There is still hope for us. He alludes to it or at least to his ambivalence, and MA feels it truly
18. That Chr from the vb is praying for me
19. That Jo from oa is praying for me
20. That Rh from oa is praying for me
21. That I shall reiki M from the vb
22. That I shall pray for those three too
23. That my five conferences went well yesterday
24. That I shall see if I can see St this weekend
25. That I’ve almost memorized the 3rd step prayer
26. That I shall teach my students the We Are All the Leaves of One Tree song today
27. That our kiddies will be performing the great health songs with K in April. Nice
28. That I feel okay inside right now
29. That I asked HP for help a number of times yesterday. And I received it
30. That although I called the dr, I was able to call back and say, Don’t bother calling. I will make it through this night. That was good.
31. People who share about their struggles
32. People who share about the working through of their struggles
33. People who share their experience, strength and hope from the other side
34. A, my first sponsor
35. S, my second sponsor
36. B, my third sponsor
37. Of course my sponsor now, but I’ve said that before so I shall add another gratitude here. The magic-stardust-on-me-feeling I had yesterday and I still have it today!
38. Idol today – it will be sweet
39. Yoga today - it will be fun
40. D’s birthday today – I get to give to her and help make someone else’s birthday feel magical
41. Disneyland – what a fantastic experience J and I had
42. The carousel he gave me out there (where is it? I want it out)
43. The Anniversary Waltz song
44. The song When You Wish upon a Star
45. My time with TNH and the monks and nuns at the theater a year and a half ago
46. All that G gave me
47. The promise that I will be exercising soon
48. That broken toes, of which I think I have one, seem to heal on their own
49. The way my fingers feel when typing
50. Ballroom dancing yesterday – it was so cute
51. When J and I did ballroom dancing a couple, few years ago
52. Every winter night I’ve ever gone out
53. Every time I’ve ever been to the beach
54. My father’s hands – ticket taking – I think I genetically inherited some of this ability
55. PowerPoint
56. French doors, and that I have some
57. Curtains
58. Enough light in the l.r., finally☺
59. Photos
60. Frames
61. Digital camera
62. Schoolwires, yes really
63. Urine
64. And I’m back from it
65. The luxury of this hour, hour and a half every morning
66. I shall get to take my mother to the bank and shopping tomorrow
67. J and my mother and I and maybe Ma shall go to Indian food on Sunday. Yay for us being together, loved ones
68. My growth in appreciation
69. That I did relax last night
70. That I ate off the good dishes last night
71. That I have lost 6 pounds.
72. That I believe I shall keep going
73. Soap
74. Dishwashing soap
75. Laundry detergent
76. Softener
77. Fabreze in the detergent
78. he (high energy I guess) washer and detergent, the right one, that I got accidentally, to match
79. Fabreeze the regular stuff
80. Upholstery cleaner
81. Carpet cleaner
82. Dry mops
83. Wet mops
84. That Ph will be with me this weekend!
85. Puppies. The way Ph in particular was (and still is) *all in! * So many lessons to learn from puppies
86. Kittens. Their skinny little necks and cocked heads. So cute.
87. The book Zucchini. Although I may have to give up reading it aloud – these kids may be too young - ? But that book anyway
88. That I am so thoughtful about what is right for these kids
89. That I have this career. A good and noble way to live part of my life
90. That there is and can be more to my life than *just * work
91. Plays I’ve seen on Broadway
92. Evita
93. CDs for the car and home
94. DVDs
95. Spring soon
96. My oak tree!
97. Our big yard
98. The curvy fence
99. The morning glories!!!!!
100. The patio
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