I am grateful:
1. That J. came yesterday and drove me and Mom to the wake
2. And we drove her home and went back to the church for the funeral Mass
3. And that was at his offering
4. And I offered that we then stop and he go about his day
5. And he called me between 5 and 5:30 to see how I was, and was very nice in that phone call
6. And he is dropping Ph here tomorrow afternoon
7. And St was available and I went over there for about an hour and a half, and we had a nice, friendly visit, with little A there too in the other room
8. That she has a big, beautiful place
9. That she is able to do all she is able to do, like painting the whole place…I am happy for her
10. That lately, I notice, I am starting to include gratitudes about *other * people. It’s a change like expanding outward for the benefit of others meaning so much to me. It’s nice.
11. That S, last Sat evening, totally got the 100 gratitudes thing. And the potential daily detail of it
12. That L is proud of me
13. And that he said to share this idea with others.
14. And that I did, on AW yesterday.
15. I am happy with my choice not to go to that union thing last night as I needed rest and gentleness with myself
16. My meditation thread makes me smile.
17. That I did my meditation this morning.
18. That whole practice.
19. That I use a yellow highlighter, a sharp pencil (and sharpener), a blue pen and a red pen in my daily meditation books.
20. That I bought that Step 4 book the other night at the meeting.
21. Today’s reading reminding me that I cannot “eat like a non-compulsive person,” ex. binge and stop.
22. That I will get through today. Chances are I will get through today. I got through the F. meeting Monday, the conferences and financial meeting and finding out that my aunt died Tues, the funeral yesterday. And I will get through today.
23. That I acknowledge that
24. That for a moment just now, my stomach did not have a full knot
25. That on my birthday I had a magical feeling in the evening and beyond
26. That Sat night and Sun morning I actually felt ok
27. That just like that dreadful year when I never slept, and finally I slept for an hour and 40 minutes, and I knew – and ran to J’s work to tell him – that if I could sleep for an hour and 40 minutes one night, the night would come when I could sleep for 2 hours, and so on and so on – well maybe if I could feel okay for a couple of hours here and a moment there, that the day will come when that’s extended too.
28. That I am sitting comfortably right now. No aches or pains or broken bones…on comfortable sofa…laptop on lap
29. That hysterical line/visual of Bubble “Laptop? Laptop?” with the little dog in her bag
30. How many times J and I laughed over that
31. That I felt and was loved so much for so long
32. And maybe still am
33. That dr comes tomorrow
34. That I heard MA’s voice yesterday. And that she is still alive
35. That I called and wrote O yesterday
36. That MA straightened out ML’s financial stuff (– ooh – another gratitude about someone else!)
37. That I can choose to go or not to go to that union meeting after work today
38. Same with oa meeting
39. And other meeting
40. Broccoli slaw with veganaise and gardein for lunch yesterday. Yum and healthy!
41. And more for today
42. And not that expensive
43. That wearing my B necklace from M gives me such comfort
44. Nice chat with cousin J and J yesterday
45. Mother okay after funeral
46. All the years I’ve had with my mother
47. My piano light mounted on the wall
48. That J. did that for me
49. That it even looks so good
50. When we went looking for pianos together
51. The place where we finally found this one
52. That he chose to never touch it
53. That he supported me so much through all of that
54. That he made that terrible horrible hysterically funny joke banging on the to-be-gotten-rid-of-one that night, to make me think he was banging on the new one!
55. That we were able to donate that other one so some other family/person could get it
56. The Salvation Army
57. The pet feed charity
58. Non-kill shelters
59. People who take care of pets
60. People who let their children have pets and love them
61. A showing me his frogs and snail yesterday
62. And being so careful to not bang on the glass because it might frighten them
63. S. growing up so beautifully
64. Both of them getting scholarships to fine private schools!
65. The kind of mother St is, and father A is, and the life they’re giving their boys, and the influence on the world those boys are/will be
66. That my principal in 8th gr. accepted and appreciated when I wrote that I was not trying to be disrespectful but already knew a lot about lions, so didn’t learn anything from that video
67. That we all lived through that boat trip years ago when I was below, praying and praying through that storm, and so scared
68. That I have been on a cruise. And it was classy not brash
69. The zen meditations I have done and what I have learned from them
70. That I have my father’s wedding band
71. That I have my mother’s wedding band
72. That I have a bracelet of Aunt L’s
73. That I have N’s medal and chain
74. That I have a will
75. That I might change it to be nicer
76. That I have a life insurance plan through work for J
77. That we have health insurance
78. That I have earned some things
79. All the support I’ve always had from J in doing so
80. L t L and all I’ve learned from it
81. The fairy tale share. It was awesome
82. The F.S. share last year. It was awesome.
83. That we’ll do it again this year
84. MM and her attitude, intelligence, and contributions and support at work
85. That we will be doing something for Japan
86. And more for Haiti
87. And more for the needy in our own area
88. All the times I personally led the food for the needy thing
89. The year (s) Chr and I sent Thanksgiving dinner to the needy
90. That I received communion yesterday
91. The comfort it gave me
92. The song “Be Not Afraid”
93. And that it was used yesterday
94. And “Here I am, Lord”
95. Cursillo
96. M being asked to give the Ideals talk the second time
97. I. asking me to pray for her
98. Me crying over my own father
99. Her saying don’t feel guilty because she felt the bad feelings lifted from her and that it must have been that I took them on
100. Memories
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