I am grateful:
1. that I got up and made the coffee, instead of calling in
2. that I don’t binge as much as I used to
3. that I had broccoli yesterday
4. that I got through yesterday at work
5. that I have dvds for the class for learning
6. that I got the name of a good thumb guy
7. that it’s beginning to feel better last night and today
8. that tr helped me and she got the flat stanleys out
9. that k helped me with the workman’s comp stuff
10. that m gave me a name
11. and c did too
12. and drs did too
13. and they all matched j’s
14. and he’s in charge of that major sports team too
15. that these tings help me feel safer
16. that god is at work in my life
17. that he can heal my marriage too
18. that I let the kids trace
19. and will again
20. singing
21. my courage
22. chance at health
23. bowel movements regularly every day
24. enough energy to get through a day
25. the light book I am reading for today’s course
26. b’s words about not letting “this man,” m, who worked at my gr. level in gr. 4, get to me so much, may it help me now with the f’s mother frustration
27. that I am able to function, not like when had that big injury and didn’t even know if could ever work again
28. that I can call l in a little while
29. every time I do not have knots in my stomach like I do have now
30. that sometimes I do meditate
31. that feelings usually do not kill one
32. that I haven’t killed myself
33. that tomorrow I have therapy session, although other than a bit of comfort I’m not sure it’s elping
34. that when I was so worried about my health and healing fri sat & sun, I was not as obsessed about this other stuff
35. that I am an adult and can make choices
36. that I am trying to grow up
37. that I have started to
38. the people from the sangha, like m
39. amd d
40. and dar l, who died
41. ja giving me that better splint yesterday
42. safe trip to work yesterday despite the hand stuff
43. and home
44. sleep and not remembering horrible nightmares last night
45. that I’m working on these gratitudes even though it is very hard today
46. that I learned some lessons about this school stuff not mattering that much, during my mother’s big illness
47. that many people like me
48. our minnie mouse jokes
49. the walk I took w ph the day before yesterday
50. when j came back from ca and said he loved me
51. that I was able to make the coffee today
52. maha
53. the online tnh course I took
54. that I could afford it
55. that I haven’t had a cold this year
56. that my nails are growing better now
57. that my blood pressure was 110 over 70 at drs the other day
58. my little black timer
59. that j bought it for me
60. list positive qualities l says to – so, I am also grateful for these qualities in me:
61. I am compassionate
62. I am smart
63. I can type fast
64. I have a sense of humor
65. God might put a stop there before my undoing the looking at my strengths
66. That no one is hitting me
67. Or cheating on me
68. Weather gonna be nicer in a couple of days
69. Ma was there for me fri
70. I can sleep later
71. L’s laughter this morning
72. My blood flows
73. L saying just now, nobody is perfect, and that’s why we make amends
74. And that god works miracles
75. Watching hoarders the other day
76. L telling me it takes time
77. And to have faith
78. That god WILL work his miracles
79. I can be abstinent today
80. Calming, l saying calmly, it takes time
81. why do I have to feel bad? Because didn’t feel bad for so many years when I did things wrong
82. And as it takes time, I do get better and better
83. L says he had to be alone and miserable in order to grow up
84. And had to feel the pain in order to do it
85. That I am a little bit calmer now after talking to him
86. That maybe I’ll start making the coffee a little bit weaker
87. That our planet is still alive
88. That “this too shall pass”
89. That p likes to eat lunch with me
90. Tablecloth restaurants
91. That I’ve finally learned what really counts
92. Please god, because I’m grateful that it might not be too late
93. Having begun to learn to put my recovery first
94. That I don’t sit frozen on the sofa anymore, like did in summer
95. That there are moments when I’m not so scared
96. That they will most likely come again
97. That I work for one of the best districts in the world
98. K.l. and the times we were invited there
99. Happy-g-lucky people
100. Every laugh I’ve had with j
101. That he still kisses me
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