I am grateful:
1. I went to that meeting
2. I went with Ma
3. She drove
4. There were two good speakers there
5. I saw Sh
6. I saw Ja
7. R introduced herself and wanted to remember my name
8. M went out of her way to say she thought she’d seen me there before
9. Safe ride up and back (she drives much faster than I do)
10. They said yes to the eval yesterday
11. I was brave and strong and did it despite discomfort (at that meeting about the eval)
12. It was an easier day with the kids because of the 5 that were absent, the particular ones
13. That I’m able to get up and move about in the mornings
14. That my hands are so soft now. So recently they were dry and scaly.
15. That I’m able to make coffee
16. That I’m able to drink coffee
17. That I can get the day for Aunt Rose’s funeral tomorrow
18. That J is coming
19. That the coffee table is so relaxing now, with the bell and the blooming tea pot and not a lot of clutter
20. That I got to work safely yesterday
21. That I had greens at breakfast and lunch and some at dinner
22. That I didn’t eat any junk
23. That I felt so much more clear-headed with the clean (until the too much at night, and the corn flakes, which have hfcs)
24. That those two people listed themselves as followers on my blog. I don’t feel so alone out in cyberspace
25. That I could just sit quietly at the after-school math meeting yesterday
26. Hot drinks
27. Fresh veggies so available to me (I should use them more)
28. My pink camera
29. Being able to function, physically, brain etc.
30. The positivity in that room last night
31. The clapping
32. That I got my kids to clap more last week
33. That we heard from E and J says *we * can see them
34. That there is still hope for us
35. That there is hope for me
36. That A, and K, and P gave me their words for that meeting
37. Lessons I’ve learned, am learning about what’s really important in life
38. That I’ve been to the country
39. That I’ve been to the city
40. That I’ve been to the mountains
41. That I’ve been to the beach
42. Art
43. Artists
44. Architects
45. (People who do beautiful things)
46. The lessons at the Met with the kids, from which I’ve learned so much
47. The time I took J after our lesson and taught him from what I had learned (the walking around the sculpture time)
48. The time D.D. gave us that evening tour with learning, and J came (and we drove K and J brought the veggie loaf he’d made for us)
49. That veggie loaf (pre-vegan) and how healthy it was and how we all loved it, J, me, my mom, K, MA?...
50. That party we gave
51. Ph’s funky NY bow at that time
52. Right now, I am alive
53. And sitting here
54. With comfy pjs
55. And a smile on my face (Wow?!)
56. Budget will get in better order today
57. So will “investment” stuff
58. Magazines that relax me
59. Not wasting my time in front of so many repeat shows!
60. Socks
61. Funky socks
62. Mis-matched socks like from that company (Little Miss-match or something)
63. That my parents let me have a pink room growing up
64. That they paid for my college
65. My father on my graduation day
66. That bell on my graduation day
67. J and his family and my mother on my Masters graduation day
68. And how he bought me towel(s) that morning
69. And we walked at T
70. Every single time we’ve ever walked at T
71. Every time we’ve gone to P.R.
72. Every lovely time we went to B.G
73. And G.I.
74. And the beach there
75. And the other beach
76. That he did the water skiing
77. And the jet skiing
78. The asphalt idea from the guy in the south which reuses (earth-friendly) and makes better stuff for roads and costs less
79. S on Sat. I know it’s kind of a repeat, but it was so helpful and I’m grateful for her that night, as I sit here now
80. That I keep my wits about me at work
81. That I’m meditating again now
82. That channel on the tv with the light classical background music
83. Fruit
84. My apple snacks in the morning
85. Mar yesterday at that meeting
86. And that she came down to me to see how I felt we did
87. And that she said, “So why didn’t that happen sooner?” She acknowledged me and what I’ve been saying
88. Me being careful of ego lately
89. Me finally growing as a person. Thank you, God. May I continue to follow your way
90. I will get through these conferences. I have done it before and I can and will do it again.
91. Lessons I learned from my mother’s big hospitalization, about how important every little bit of minutia at work isn’t.
92. All the love and care I got from J all those years
93. Like making sure I got home for a night’s sleep during that hospitalization, because I was just over my own hosp. for pneumonia, and it was so cold there
94. Not wanting to be a victim anymore
95. And his doing so much for my mother for so many years and saying, like ‘When I do it, it’s you doing it. We are one.’
96. My not taking things for granted anymore.
97. God’s help for me to get through a day
98. And that He will give it to me today
99. Hearing from people who are really experiencing recovery and miracle changes in their lives
100. Working my program myself
101. Morning time (I did one extra because the S .one was kind of a repeat)
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