Sunday, August 28, 2011


typing still an issue
but grateful for these things, at the least:

1. Hurricane didn't get me
2. And didn't seem to get my house
3. Husband coming to help with outdoor furniture the other day
4. Hope
5. Health
6. Friends
7. OA
8. CoDA
9. Phone calls from friends yesterday and today
10. Ma last night, so encouraging with her spiritual words on the phone
11. The spiritual community 5 minutes from my house
12. That I'm not committed to waiting for external things to be better anymore; I finally realize it's internal.
13. That 6 followers show up in icons here, thank God and them.
14. Beautiful gentle cows.
15. Giraffe's eyes
16. Places where there are still wild horses.
17. My mom hugging me Friday and saying, "You're such a good daughter."
18. And saying on the phone last night, "I love you. Very very much."
19. That the weather's clearing. I want our little doggie, who is staying with J., to have peace and happiness and fun.
20. That I am able to breathe deeply. I used to have breathing problems, physical.
21. That we never know what adventures and happinesses lie ahead.
22. God

Bless you each.

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