using left - hard to
but The Secret . . .
Good Things about Me:
great hair
pretty eyes [expressive, and gorgeous brown color)
long, pretty, shallow dimples in cheeks
beautiful high cheekbones
pretty ears
pretty smile
fine nose
great skin - very young-looking skin
good collarbones
large, full, nicely-shaped, feminine breasts
lovely skin on body too
waist that comes in
good arms
hands that look feminine but are strong
feminine rounded hips
hourglass figure
shapely legs
nice knees
good walk
strong legs
very pretty feet
good nails on hands and feet
continuing to lose weight
make people comfortable
good conversationalist
good work ethic
nice taste
great to children
help their parents
can think quickly
very accomplished
3 degrees
at top of my profession
I play piano
I speak a little French
I do nice needlework of different types
I paint a bit
I'm a good learner
good friend to my friends
organized enough
growing up
very spiritual
have perserverence
I have integrity
I can forget hardships of the past in a nano-second, if the thing/relationship changes
Wow - I *am* lovable:)
And, a la The Secret, being thankful now as if it already is:
I am grateful that I am so pretty and healthily thin and tight and in great shape. I am grateful that I am sexy and irresistible to John. I'm so very grateful that J. loves me so much as his wife forever! I am so grateful that I make my own joy and am happy and fulfilled inside myself. I am so grateful that I am so desirable and have many fulfilling friendships in my life. Thank you, Universe!
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