I am grateful:
1. From today’s Language of Letting Go: “Gratitude unlocks the fullness of life.
2. “It turns what we have into enough, and more.
3. “It turns denial into acceptance, chaosto order, confusion to clarity.
4. “It can turn a meal into a feast,
5. a house into a home,
6. a stranger into a friend.
7. “It turns problems into gifts,
8. failures into successes,
9. the unexpected into perfect timing,
10. and mistakes into important events.
11. “It can turn an existence into a real life,
12. and disconnected situations into important and beneficial lessons.
13. “Gratitude makes sense of our past,
14. brings peace for today,
15. and creates a vision for tomorrow.
16. “Gratitude makes things right.
17. “Gratitude turns negative energy into positive energy.
18. “There is no situation or circumstance so small or large that it is not susceptible to gratitude’s power.
19. “We can start with who we are and what we have *today *, apply gratitude, then let it work its magic.” Huge. Wow. Big. Didn’t really know this.
20. “Say thank you, until you mean it. If you say it long enough, you will believe it.
21. “Today, I will shine the transforming light of gratitude on all the circumstances of my life.”
22. I am grateful that I went with O and G and the girls to the park.
23. And that I had a park pass to use.
24. And that the storm passed and they got back in.
25. And that I read more of the important book.
26. And I’m grateful that I took my mother to the bank and shopping
27. And that she wasn’t in as much pain
28. And that I was nice to her
29. And that I get to be with her
30. And that eating veggies and getting fresh air started to turn my mood around
31. And that I’m not feeling anywhere near as badly as I was this morning
32. And that Ka called me!
33. And I’m kind of sponsoring her. At least getting her started! Yay!
34. And that will keep me clean too!
35. And that tomorrow I’ll get to the gym
36. And a meeting
37. And that K called
38. And she did change that meeting that happens to be so hard for me to get to! So now I’ll be able to get to it.
39. And the change is better for most of us anyway.
40. I’m thankful to God for every moment of peace He gives me
41. And to myself for every one of them I allow myself
42. And for practicing some Bach twice today
43. And contributing to the little girls’ happiness at the water park today
44. And what I’m learning from the important relationship book
45. And that I’m back into program habit.
46. And that I’ve followed my food plan so far today, thank you God.
47. And that I bought groceries.
48. And that, especially because they’re *so * expensive now (!), I am making more things homemade.
49. And that this week I’ll have hummus soup.
50. And chili.
51. And lentil soup
52. And beautiful salads
53. And healthy yummy cereal
54. And Ezekial bread
55. And oranges
56. And nectarines
57. And vanilla almond milk
58. And peanut butter
59. And walnuts
60. And pecans
61. And cooked veggies
62. And Chinese veggies I already have too
63. And coffee
64. And tea
65. And plums
66. And prunes
67. And that I bought orange juice for my mother.
68. And that I haven’t had to fill my gas tank this week.
69. And that I did give O money because she’s been driving so much.
70. And that I have clean clothes to wear for tomorrow.
71. And that I will tomorrow make the two soups and the chili and do laundry and read my book
72. AND get out!
73. And that I have gorgeous pale yellow baby carnations right now.
74. And that they were only $4.00.
75. And that I took care of my treasury obligations at OA by recording everything including for the 2 weeks I missed
76. And I got the rent check in.
77. And I sent the Inter-group money out.
78. And I mailed my time-sheet to school so I can get paid for my summer work
79. And that K wants to get together with me soon.
80. And that I really am learning the importance of building a self/a life/independence. Not to *be * alone. But to *be * okay. Alone or in a relationship.
81. And it will only give me a better chance in relationship anyway.
82. And that N will call in the morning with the gospel words.
83. And that I just donated a little bit to the breast cancer walk my dear cousin is doing.
84. And that I’m about to have dinner. I’m so sorry for people who can’t, and will eat mine mindful of that.
85. And that I can watch a little tv, not repeats
86. And go to bed
87. And NOT binge-eat for this one day.
88. I am grateful that I prayed today
89. And started reading the feelings book that came with the magnets too
90. And that St called. I will call her back.
91. And that R was cheerful on the phone with me.
92. And that I think I was able to help Ka tonight with getting started.
93. And I will take out the garbage in the morning. It’s already down the stairs. I just have to move it to the curb.
94. And I *will * water the flowers!
95. And I’m grateful it rained today so I didn’t have to : )
96. That there is still hope for our marriage
97. Laughter
98. No sunburn today
99. Good sunglasses
100. And that I’m wearing them!
101. Good reading glasses
102. The beautiful park.
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