Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Dear God

Dear God,

My best friend, my therapist, and I, truly believe J is individuating. As he would have/should have from his parents in his teens and early twenties.
Please let him get through this and come back to our marriage.
Please help me in the meantime. I'm having a really hard time, dear God.
Please let me know what to do here. For example, I cannot fit my stuff in my closet. But the book The Secret says it is unwise to start using his closet, as that's like putting the energy out there that he's not coming back. Oh. Just writing this makes me think: clean my closet and make more room.
Thank you.


  1. Can you put the energy into cleaning out your closet and start using his, as he will not need it until he comes back?

    The work you and he both need to do will take time. It is not something you can hurry or cut corners. In the meantime, organize your life (and closets) to help see things clearly.

  2. Sometimes the answers are so simple. You are being a good and faithful partner to J.
