I am grateful:
1. Seeing MA yesterday
2. Good healthy dinner with her
3. That I went to the meeting
4. That it was a good meeting
5. That although I wanted to just come home, my ride and someone else were going out so of course I “had to” go. Had tea and nice conversation. Glad went.
6. Hope.
7. That I’m still not into the junk food
8. Buddhism
9. Water
10. That I have influenced some people regarding gratitudes.
11. Abraham Lincoln’s saying about most men being as happy or as unhappy as they make up their minds to be.
12. My cousin saying to call her for support.
13. Today’s For Today: “For today: It is not for me to judge anyone.”
14. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “What I call a character effect today was at one time simply a survival tool. Beating myself up for using one of those old tools is as futile as bingeing; I now hae two problems – the defect and the beating – instead of one.
15. “When I feel compelled to act out an old defect today, I can recognize the old hurt, put it in God’s care and then act as if I possessed my defect’s corresponding asset.”
16. I don’t know about this but it says, “For example, as I have wanted to please people in the past, I now seek to please my Higher Power.”
17. The hope in this. Today’s In This Moment says: “In this moment I embrace my history – the joy and the pain.
18. “I do not condemn my past, stay stuck in it, or run away from it.”
19. And:” To genuinely be myself, I must integrate my past wholly.
20. “It is part of who I am today, but it is not all that I am.
21. And “I honor those who have been my teachers for the lessons, even if they were painful at the time.
22. And it says, and I see this as a promise: “By embracing my past fully, I am freed to make choices in my present.
23. And “Each day, I have the opportunity to create a new life.
24. And “I use the lessons that I’ve learned to make every day better.”
25. And I’m grateful that yesterday’s In This Moment says, “In this moment, I don’t give up.
26. And “I don’t give up, I let go; two different things.”
27. “Giving up means I don’t try. I resign myself that I’ll never get what I want and abandon hope.
28. “I now believe I deserve good things and some day I’ll have them.
29. And this, which sounds so hard but it says it and I’m grateful to read it: “I let go of the timetable, let go of making it happen, let go of control.
30. “I may be living in humble circumstances, yet I hope for better.
31. And this, which I can do: “I do what’s in my power today to reach my goals. Like getting up and going to work.
32. And it talks about today, having strength and dignity.
33. Meal and movie with O today.
34. Setp. 5 In This Moment: “By working the Steps, I’ve learned that my Higher Power does care about me; physically, mentally, and spiritually.
35. And this, which is a promise I need! “When I turn my will and my life over to the care of my Higher Power, I experience unconditional love. Little miracles appear in my life.
36. And “I feel loved, special, and worthwhile.”
37. The expression, “Would I rather be right, or would I rather be happy?” I wish I’d realized it sooner.
38. Sept. 3 In This Moment: “Whe I realize that I’ve been functioning on automatic pilot and my tension is jaw-grindingly high, I look up at the ceiling to break the spell of the everyday world.
39. “I remember that I have choices in each day, each chore, each situation.
40. And this: “With my glance upward, I affirm that divine guidance is mine.
41. “All I have to do is listen.” I want to know HOW. But I will try, and am grateful to read this.
42. That I did two loads of laundry today.
43. That I just switched into more comfortable shoes for today.
44. Sept. 1 In This Moment: “In this moment, I am thankful for lessons.
45. “I believe God sends people into my life to teach me lessons.
46. “I’ve learned a lot.
47. “People are not always who I think they are. In fact, they are not always who they say they are.
48. “I no longer take a little information and invent the rest.
49. And this, which I *have * started doing! “I now take time to get to know and accept people as they really are, not as I imagine them.
50. And this promise oh please may it come true: “As I’ve grown in the CoDA program, I’ve gained a better understanding of who I am and what I need. Today, my relationships are less painful and more real.
51. That I am able to type these today.
52. Today’s Language of Letting Go talks about increasing our self-esteem by regularly practicing Step Ten. I should do that.
53. And then it talks about not working this Step to punish ourselves or be critical, but to maintain self-esteem and harmony in our relationship with ourselves and others and to stay on track.
54. This gives me an incentive to finish getting through Step Eight, so I can do Step Nine.
55. Oh – and this – which is huge. “When an issue or problem emerges and needs our attention, identify it and openly discuss it with tat least one safe person and God.
56. And it says “Accept it.
57. And “Become willing to let go of it.
58. And “Ask god to take it from us.
59. “Have a change of heart by the willingness to make whatever amend is called for – to do what is necessary to take care of ourselves.
60. Lastly, “Take an appropriate action to resolve the matter. Then let go of the guilt and shame.”
61. And it sort of promises: “This is a simple formula for taking care of ourselves. This is how we change. This is how we become changed
62. This is the process for healing and health. This is the process for achieving self-responsibility and self-esteem.”
63. And “The next time we do something that bothers us, the next time we feel off track or off course, we don’t’ have to waste our time or energy feeling ashamed. We can take a Tenth Step. Let the process happen. And move on with our life.”
64. Yesterday’s Language of Letting Go: “Once I realized it was okay for me to think about and identify what I wanted, remarkable things began to take place in my life.” – Anonymous
65. And it says “We each have a life to live, one that has purpose and meaning.
66. “We can set goals annually, monthly, or daily in times of crisis.
67. “Goals create direction and pace;
68. “goals help us achieve a manageable life that is directed in the course we choose for ourselves.”
69. “We can help give our lives direction b setting goals.
70. “Today, I will pay attention to setting a course of action for my life, rather than letting others control my life and affairs.”
71. May I have goals. I’m grateful to read about them.
72. Dr. Drew Celebrity Rehab. I’ve watched it this season, and I’m a bit embarrassed to admit, but I find it helpful.
73. That 4 people called me about plans last Saturday.
74. That 2 called today.
75. Doggie happy with her little toy right now.
76. Dancing
77. Dancing lessons I took with J. I miss that. But I’m happy we had it.
78. The bell at the beach, when I was walking with J. I miss that but I’m happy I had it.
79. Vegan recipes
80. Vegans
81. My healthy skin
82. Self-help books
83. The lovely bubble bath I took this morning.
84. That soon I’ll be able to practice piano again.
85. Sept. 3 Language of Letting Go: “We cannot control what others do, but we can choose our own behaviors and our own course of action.
86. Oh boy, Sept 1: “Patience. Sometimes we get what we want right away. At other times, we wonder if our desires will ever be fulfilled.
87. And it says, it actually says, this: “We will be fulfilled in the best way possible and as quickly as possible.
88. “But some things take time. Sometimes, we have lessons to learn first, lesons that prepare us so we can accept the good we deserve.
89. “Things are being worked out in us, and in others.
90. Blocks in us are being removed. A solid foundation is being laid.
91. “Be patient. Relax and trust. Let go.
92. “Then, let go some more.
93. “***Good things are planned for us.
94. “We will receive them at the first available moment.
95. “We will have all our heart longs for.
96. “Relax and trust.”
97. And it says: “Today, I will identify what I want and need; then, I’ll be willing to let go of it.
98. “I will devote my energy to living my life today, so I may master my lessons as quickly as possible.
99. “I will trust that what I want and need is coming to me.
100. “I will let go of my need to control the details.”
101. That I prayed on my knees and prostrate this morning.
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