I am grateful:
1. Daily Om: “…we can we can choose to follow the cues of the sun and continue doing our work and shining our light, even when we can’t yet see results. In doing so we exercise our patience, making sure we are prepared when opportunity knocks and all other elements are in their right and perfect places.”
2. Books I’m reading which can help me with self and with marriage.
3. I am grateful that I got my hair colored today. No more grays.
4. And that I got it cut.
5. And that she did a good job.
6. And then got a before-school pedicure!
7. And that it’s a really pretty pink. Almost funky.
8. And that I took my mother to the bank.
9. And shopping.
10. And did some shopping myself.
11. Have fresh produce now.
12. And beautiful carnations.
13. And even magazines. That is luxury.
14. I’m grateful that I went to dh’s and picked up doggie
15. And she has done her standard waggling
16. And “smiling”
17. And eating and drinking the fresh food and cold fresh water
18. And checking out her “box”
19. And her beds
20. And “her” yard
21. And been cuddled
22. And is now sleeping at my feet
23. And that I saw dh while there
24. And I gave him seedless red grapes
25. And watermelon, which is his favorite.
26. And I saw the other person and 2 dogs and it was nice.
27. And I must say, I’m just not so sure that he’ll always be so sure he doesn’t want me. I feel that every time I see him pretty much. But it might be, and I am learning to accept that and I’m grateful for the acceptance too.
28. I’m grateful for the nice clothes I’m wearing today
29. And the nice sunglasses
30. And the nice shoes.
31. And that I can do laundry later
32. And may go to lunch with O.
33. And now it is 9/4. O didn’t do lunch and didn’t even call. I called her, half an hour past time, and she said she “didn’t get to call” but we’d do dinner. I was disappointed but looking forward to dinner. By 7pm, I left a message saying please call and at least let me know if we are going. She never called. Meanwhile, and this does *not * always happen, I had *3 * other calls and kept all my time open because already had plans with O! Oy. So why am I grateful? For one thing, that my friendship with her is worth more than yesterday’s problem.
34. And that I register that.
35. And that I did receive those 3 calls.
36. And that although I am crying this morning, I *am * growing.
37. And that if I can just get myself to drive, or call myself who is going and bum a ride with them, I can get to an OA meeting.
38. And CoDa meeting is later today.
39. And I can switch my stuff to my new pocketbook today if I’d like.
40. Or I can wait until tomorrow.
41. Or Tuesday.
42. And I got to sleep with doggie last night.
43. And to cuddle her this morning.
44. And she seems happy.
45. I am on day 24 of clean eating. Thank God.
46. I am grateful that God is forgiving.
47. I am enormously grateful that I am not always alone in cyberspace.
48. I am grateful that my hair came out great yesterday.
49. And that my shoes were comfortable.
50. And that I am a spiritual person too. Even though I’m finally taking care of the way I look, I am more spiritual than material and I’m grateful for that.
51. For every dog I’ve ever loved.
52. And every bird too.
53. I just got interrupted and spoke with O. And I’m glad that although I was disappointed last night, I didn’t get like really angry or something, because as I did suspect, it turns out a friend of hers had a real problem and she had to be there for her. I’m not grateful that the friend, whom I’ve met also, had a problem, of course. But I’m grateful that she was there for her.
54. And that we spoke this morning.
55. And might get together tomorrow.
56. That I will see MA today.
57. That Mn just called and reached out because she was in pain. I’m glad she called me, and others.
58. And I’m glad I/we were there for her.
59. That the foursome had a nice lunch the other day.
60. That the Advil helped my mother this morning.
61. That although I don’t feel it in all ways, I know God is there for me.
62. Baths, including the one I’m about to take.
63. Plum wine. Alcohol is not a problem for me, food is, and I have enjoyed two glasses of plum wine this past week.
64. For Today today: “The present time has one advantage over every other – it is our own. (Charles Caleb Colton)
65. “I have all the wealth in the world right now, in this moment,….”
66. Oh. This is wonderful. It says, “I have all the wealth in the world right now, in this moment, when I can live free of anxiety about the future and the pain of the past. There is power in the present moment.
67. “It has the strength and substance of reality, not the willo’-the-wisp of illusion.
68. “When I live in the world as it is, one minute, one hour, one day at a time, I lose all thought of plans and blueprints.” That is huge!
69. And “The present is mine today, and I claim it without hesitation.
70. “I open my mind, take leave of worry and free myself of all that keeps me from enjoying the beauty of the world.
71. “For today: Nothing that happened yesterday or that may happen tomorrow is more important that NOW.”
72. Wow. And yesterday’s is about indecision. “I am so used to being in charge, I forget that I turned over control of my life to God;
73. “that my rule is to try to know God’s will for me and then do it.
74. “To keep indecision from throwing me into a panic, I keep repeating, ‘Thy will be done, not mine.’
75. And it says, “Always, my burden is lifted.
76. And “I realize that God’s will for me is not to make the ‘right’ choice, but to feel free to make mistakes; to be sane.”
77. And “For today: Beginning this very moment, I turn my life and my will over to my Higher Power.”
78. And Sept. 2’s says, “Help is…to do what needs to be done when a friend’s burden becomes crippling.”
79. And this help: “I need the awareness to keep my ego, my advice, my good intentions out of another’s life, even though they appear in the guise of help.
80. “If I want to help others develop their own strengths and realize their full potential, I cannot do it by telling them what to do.
81. And “For today: I am an instrument of my Higher Power. I carry the message, but I do not interfere with it.”
82. I’m grateful that I’m back into the literature.
83. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “Our Higher Power is the only source of help that is always available to us, always strong enough to lift us up and set our feet on the path of life.” OA 12 & 12 p. 98
84. “Binging, turning to others for comfort, and addictive behaviors were my ways of coping with life before OA. Now I’m reassured by trusting that twenty-four hours a day, in every situation, God is within me to lovingly guide and direct my life.
85. “God is within e to lovingly guide and direct my life.
86. And it says, “Daily practice of prayer and meditation allows direct conscious contact with this source of healing and strength. When self-will runs riot, or character defects flare up, I trust my Higher Power to lead me back to a path of sane living.
87. And “In recovery I enjoy an intimate relationship with God; spiritual friends; family; OA fellowship; and a safe, secure home.
88. “I am grateful to be beyond food obsession and harmful behaviors.
89. “A joy I could only imagine in the past is mine today, with my Higher Power guiding my life.”
90. Huge for me: Yesterday’s: “I do not need to fear failure. I need, rather, the peace of mind that comes with taking the actions I have been putting off.” For Today, p. 168.
91. And advice I really need. “I had been trying to get back on track with my food for months. I kept veering off and on again, never staying long enough to get to my destination. Then I read just what I needed to help me with yet another ‘new beginning.’
92. “This reading helps me realize that fear is a four-letter word for procrastination.
93. “How can I get away from fear? Meditation helps me recall that the answer to fear is faith. God is the engine; I am the caboose.
94. “Once again, I humbly ask for His help and guidance to kick my disease off the tracks and get my life back on the rails.
95. “I go to a meeting.
96. “I make outreach calls. I hear what I need to hear through the combined wisdom and faith of the program.
97. “I commit to follow my food plan one day at a time.
98. “I am once again clicking along the track and feeling grateful, joyful, and quite capable, thanks to God and the program.”
99. And Sept 2: “Now I see that the miracle of the week is often of a different nature. Sometimes it is right in front of me, operating daily in my life. I simple do not recognize it because I am so busy searching the heavens for a blinding revelation or, at the very least, fireworks.”
100. That I made it to a hundred after all!
101. Hope.
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