I am grateful:
1. K called. I didn’t get the call, but it was nice that she called.
2. I got a call from someone referred to call me by the churchy group. Will have to return that (was falling asleep).
3. It is a new day.
4. Some good things came out of the math committee meeting yesterday.
5. Book course is today but so is eye doctor: ( But – I might be able to switch eye dr. Otherwise, I’ll miss the course but be grateful I *have * the dr.
6. One cup of coffee a day.
7. That although so tiered and down and *not feeling like it, * I did do my CoDA morning work.
8. That I can see to it that I get enough sleep tonight.
9. That I *might * go to an OA meeting today. Might.
10. That I awakened from the bad dream.
11. And that it had a decent part to it too.
12. Hope.
13. God.
14. Friends.
15. Someone I worked with was just killed in a car crash. I am so sorry about that. And it makes me remember to be grateful that I got home safely last night.
16. That I did say something to my mother when she was pulling my life into her fear again Sunday night.
17. That we got through it.
18. That it was fine yesterday.
19. Interesting. Today’s For Today: “Better hazard once than always be in fear.” Thomas Fuller
20. It goes on to say later: “But it’s better to jump in and examine my fears than to let them haunt me the rest of my life. I take a fourth-step inventory, skimming the surface at first, then digging deeper. The more honest I am, the more freely I breathe. This is what I feared? I want to shout to the world: Don’t be afraid!”
21. Today’s Voices of Recovery: “When we talk about using the telephone as a too, we observe that isolation is common among us.”
22. “As I further notice the quality of my behavior, I have more desire to change.”
23. “Good things have happened when I’ve listened to others sharing in order to recognize my own symptoms.
24. And “I need to notice the quality of my listening. It is a measure of my spiritual condition.”
25. Wow. Today’s In This Moment: “In This Moment, I choose.
26. “Now that I’m recovering from codependence
27. “I make decisions in my life based on what I think is important, not what other people say I ‘should’ do.
28. I know what my values are.
29. “I decide how I want to spend my time and live my life according to those values.
30. “I have clearly defined goals.
31. “I am an adult, capable of taking care of myself and meeting my own needs.
32. “My conscious choices further my goals and fill my spirit.”
33. Today’s Language of Letting Go: “…in thy book were written, every one of them, the days that were formed for me, when as yet there was none of them.” Ps 139:16
34. It goes on to say that whether God knew, and planned exactly what was to transpire, or we chose, “our interpretation can be similar: Our past is neither an accident nor a mistake.
35. “We have been where we needed to be, with the necessary people.
36. “We can embrace our history, with its pain, its imperfections, its mistakes, even its tragedies. It is uniquely ours; it was intended just for us.
37. “Today, we are right where we need to be.
38. ***”Our present circumstances are exactly as they need to be – for now.”
39. “Today, I will let go of my guilt and fear about my past and present circumstances.
40. “I will trust that where I have been and where I am now are right for me.”
41. Wild horses.
42. Foxes.
43. Children.
44. Breath.
45. My reiki master teacher.
46. Maybe I’ll do meditation (the breathing game) with the kids today.
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