I am grateful:
1. Gorillas
2. My kids enjoying the book I’m reading to them
3. My therapist yesterday
4. Ability to type again, may it continue – a bit less today though because hurts
5. CoDA work starting to help
6. That I’ve been taking lunch most days lately
7. That I’m reading the OA and CoDA daily meditations again
8. That I do my thumb/hand exercises every day
9. Today’s For Today: “…I know what I know. Don’t tell me how to live my life. I eat because…” “Somehow, in OA, I forgot all that. I went ahead and acted as if everything they told me was true.
10. “I prayed to a concept of God that was no more than three letters of the alphabet; but I prayed.
11. “Abstinence was equally ‘dumb,’ but I did it anyway.
12. “I still know what I know but, thank God, I am no longer using it to keep me from getting well.”
13. So true: Today’s Voices of Recovery: “When I put aside what I knew . . . I suddenly saw what I had missed by closing my mind.” For Today, p. 89
14. “An old Twelve-Step-program adage says that there are none too dumb for this program, but plenty who are too smart.
15. “Since entering program, it has taken years to allow more and more of the truths of the program to permeate my defensive armor. I have had to set asie many preconceived notions, much book learning, and rationalization along the way.
16. “I now have a truly three-dimensional life as compared to the flat plane of existence I once endured without knowing any better (as bright as I was).
17. “I thank God for striking me dumb.”
18. Today’s In This Moment: “In This Moment, I am committed to my recovery.”
19. I’m grateful that I’ve made the decision to put my recovery first.
20. I’m grateful that I’ve taken the commitment to temporarily lead the CodA meeting.
21. “For me, commitment is a living, breathing thing.
22. “it is a conscious choice that I make today and every day.
23. “I commit to myself first before I commit to others.
24. “Only if I take care of myself can I have healthy relationships
25. “or be of service to others.
26. “Then genuine love and energy flow.”
27. Today’s Language of Letting Go: “Sought through prayer and meditation to improve our conscious contact with God as we understood Him, praying only for knowledge of His will for us and the power to carry that out.” (Step Eleven of Al-Anon)
28. “’…praying only for knowledge of His will for us and thre power to carry that out’ means that we ask on a daily basis to be shown the plan for that day.
29. We also ask our Source for the power we need to carry that through.
30. “We will get a yes to both requests.”
31. “We do not ask other people to show their will for us.” This is huge for me.
32. “We ask God.
33. “Then we trust that we’ll be empowered to carry God’s will through.
34. “God never, never asks us to do anything that He would not equip us to do.” That’s so comforting.
35. “If we are to do it, we will be empowered.” Yay.
36. “That’s the easy part of this program. We never have to do more than we can, or anything we can’t. If we want to worry and fuss we can, but we don’t need to. That is our choice.”
37. “I have learned, through difficult and good times, that this Step will carry me through. When I don’t know what to do next, God does.
38. “Working this Step, one day at a time, will take us to places we could never have traveled on our own.
39. “Simple acts, done daily in accordance to God’s will for us, lead to a Grand Plan for our life.
40. “Today, I will focus on asking God to show me what He wants me to do.
41. “I will ask God for the power to fdo that; then I will go ahead and get the job done.
42. “God, help me let go of my fears about living life one day at a time.
43. “Help me trust that when life is lived simply and in trust, a beautiful mosaic called ‘my life’ will be woven.
44. “I am being divinely led, guided, and cared for.”
45. That I’ve been eating healthy lunch every day.
46. That my students had great, fun, learning days the last two days.
47. Bookcases
48. Libraries. Free lending libraries. What a wonderful thing.
49. That I feel the breath getting all the way down by my belly. That’s such a wonderful thing. I didn’t feel that for SO long.
50. Black pants. Really.
51. Our first doggie (J and me)
52. Our first doggie (family of origin)
53. Courage to say that really hard stuff to the parent yesterday.
54. Freedom
55. Historical books.
56. Learning.
57. MA’s philosophy: “Be kind. Learn much. Take no shit.”
58. Talk. Speech. Voices. I like it. It helps me feel less alone.
59. Teaching another class to meditate yesterday.
60. With that teacher’s joy, and the principal’s encouragement.
61. And how much they loved it.
62. And how beautifully they behaved.
63. They were so good that I even got benefits of meditation; not just leading/teaching.
64. And teaching them the beautiful we are all the leaves of one tree song.
65. And I will teach it to my class today.
66. Helping M this year so much. Yay.
67. Love. In all forms.
68. The child making me the gingerbread house.
69. The amazing notes I took at Monday’s meeting for my team. I’m proud of them.
70. Heat in enough of this place. Not all, but enough. Will work on the rest.
71. Water
72. Hope
73. God
74. Job
75. Groceries
76. Gas for car
77. Car
78. Roof
79. Hands
80. Eyes
81. Feet
82. Legs
83. No real pains
84. Pancreas. Having a kid in my class with Type I diabetes really makes me appreciate my pancreas.
85. Not being alone in cyber-space.
86. Computer classes I give my kids.
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