I am grateful:
1. I had a nice warm shower and am clean
2. I put some makeup on
3. And clean clothes
4. M made coffee and oatmeal for me
5. The example M is for me. May I have the opportunity to live it with J in the future
6. I believe I will get through this day somehow. I will.
7. Toothbrush
8. Toothpaste
9. Deodorant
10. Poop. Can’t wait til can : )
11. So tired. But somehow I’ll be nice to the kiddies on Halloween (as every day)
12. That I’ve eating more nutritiously lately.
13. I inviting me to stay as long as I need to
14. Je can read
15. Ji can read fluently
16. A car
17. My sponsors, OA and CoDA
18. M having rice milk here
19. And whole grain and bean dinner for me last night
20. And keeping stuff here for me
21. And packing an apple and water bottle for me with my lunch that I brought here
22. OA literature
23. CoDA literature
24. AA literature, that started it all
25. The St. Jude Novena
26. Ma, the little dog here
27. That I found the car scraper thing
I will have to do more later
Good morning and happy Monday. Sending you good thoughts today.