I am grateful:
1. That I am so comfortable typing and it feels so good, since this is how I do my gratitudes and my step 4 work (especially since writing is not so comfortable since that big injury).
2. That Ph trusts me for her morning tr
3. And to go out
4. That I was able to leave the door open for her yesterday
5. That I was able to thank God last night for feeling well during some of yesterday.
6. AND Saturday
7. And that I did feel it
8. That the invitations did go out for the music share
9. That there was no bad news in my work e-mail just now
10. That I no longer go to the mailbox in fear of a pink slip. Which I did for *years *!
11. That someone is presenting at the faculty meeting. Maybe that means I can sort of just sit there.
12. That I *am * going in today
13. That my mommy always says she loves me.
14. And I always say I love her
15. And M always says she loves me too
16. And MA and I
17. And even Sp sometimes
18. That last night’s nightmares are over
19. That last night, although not again yet today, I moved my thumb without the popping
20. For today’s Voices of Recovery. About accepting people for what they are. Would that I had. But I can now.
21. Antlers
22. Anteaters
23. Aarvarks
24. Aphids
25. Bats
26. Beavers
27. Bears
28. Bison
29. “Beasties,” ML’s word
30. Badgers
31. Blog (my blog and others)
32. Cats
33. Cougars
34. Cheetahs
35. Dogs
36. Dinosaurs
37. And how interested so many kids are in them
38. Elephants
39. Egrets
40. Emus
41. Flamingoes, and that I’ve seen them in person, those beautiful things.
42. Ferrets
43. Ph’s fake ferrety toy(s) that she loves so much
44. Falcons
45. Giraffes
46. Geckos
47. The gecko on that commercial
48. Hamsters
49. All my students who have/have had hamsters, and how happy they are with them
50. Herons
51. Hens
52. Iguanas
53. The poems we are writing
54. Jackrabbits
55. Jackels?
56. Jasmine
57. Jade
58. Jews being freed
59. Kangaroos
60. Lemurs
61. Lemons
62. Monkeys and manitees (because I think monkeys is a repeat)
63. Osprey
64. Otters
65. Owls
66. Pandas
67. Pugs
68. Poodles
69. Peregrines
70. Rattlesnakes
71. Snakes
72. Seahorses and sunfish (because I think seahorses is a repeat)
73. Trunks (on elephants)
74. Wallabees
75. Wildebeasts
76. Zebras
77. My zebraman memory
78. And the story and how good it is for the kids – so many
79. Apples
80. Bananas
81. Clementines
82. And my new appreciation of them
83. Peaches
84. Pears
85. Plums
86. Cherries
87. Oranges
88. Grapefruits
89. Juices
90. Pine-orange juice
91. Pine-orange banana juice
92. Banana in blender into orange juice
93. Lite grape juice
94. Regular grape juice
95. Days at GI as a kid with pepper sandwiches and grape juice and a plum
96. Purple vegetables and fruits
97. Eggplant
98. Blueberries
99. Cabbage
100. Beets
101. Potatoes (going over 100 because think some animals repeat)
102. Corn
103. Asparagus
104. Canteloupe
105. Sweet potatoes and yams, whatever the difference is
106. Lettuces
107. Spinach
108. Kale
109. Collards
110. Swish chard, may I taste it soon
111. Dandelion greens, may I taste them soon
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