I am grateful:
1. That I got some good notes from the royal wedding
2. That I am praying to God. And may God be with us.
3. That I’ve been watching the royal wedding today.
4. That I had a lot of extra cuddle time with Ph this morning.
5. That R is no longer our principal
6. That my breathing isn’ as nervous as earlier this morning
7. That I see *leaves * outside the l.r. window right now! First time. I think they’re leaves!
8. That maybe the dr will say my thumb is staying all right?
9. As soon as I stepped outside this morning, I could smell flowers.
10. And I did step outside.
11. And it felt good even moving.
12. And I did get the garbage out. And on time!
13. And I sniffed a yellow tulip inside it on the way back up the stairs. It was such a subtle yet lovely scent.
14. And I sniffed the petunias by the door, and it was a beautiful aroma!
15. I did do my 10 minutes of step work for today (which was reading – looked online, found to read from p. 86 “Upon awakening” to end of chapter.
16. Did my work on letter for J
17. Watched royal wedding
18. I spoke with J this morning
19. And he sounded good – and open to me!
20. I felt hope
21. I felt happy when we hung up, still
22. Had good hand dr appointment
23. The hope and happiness stayed with me
24. I even napped this afternoon with it
25. Spoke with M and really seriously asked her to really pray
26. Am sitting here smiling.
27. Sitting here smiling during Oprah show about royal wedding
28. I just made Ph happy
29. I took care of all my responsibilities this week
30. Hope
31. Sharing my little recipe and somebody getting it, and liking it
32. Sharing about the royal wedding online
33. Ma called about Sunday for meeting and lunch if I want
34. I’m liking Seinfeld.
35. And – I think I just saw another one I’ve never seen before
36. I just found Colorforms!
37. And I bought some
38. For me *and * the class!
39. And I’m going to buy a butterfly kit for J!
40. I think he’ll love it
41. And I’m going to plan a year of romance for him – if/when he comes back or starts dating me again!
42. It’s nice out today – nice cool brieeze
43. I ate lots of greens today. Too much food, but lots of greens
44. My mother *did * like Kate’s wedding dress after all
45. Very cuddly Ph
46. Ph liking the smell of “The Pea” on me the other night
47. Me still smiling remembering my time with Je yesterday
48. Enjoying those shows I liked
49. I lived through the day
50. And felt better at some points.
51. I am growing. Inside myself
52. Plus some of it had to do with my talk with J.
53. I felt a tremendous sense of relief. I have wanted that (and more of it) for a very long time.
54. I have a nice rapport with that dr, whom the two others I know who went with him, say has no bedside manner at all.
55. I was cheerful to others all day
56. Nobody was mean to me all day
57. I had a nice chat with the other lady in the waiting room
58. The people who work at the desk accepted me too. And laughed with me.
59. I was ok at home alone
60. I kept things neat
61. I am excited about the colorforms that are going to come. For me and the kids
62. I have a new puzzle I can do if I want
63. Or the dolls/dollhouse stuff.
64. I can make a good list and shop and cook some *whole foods * to have today and tomorrow and for the week.
65. Simple stuff. I’m more in the body for (as opposed to the mood or mind for) less rich foods
66. I am still thinking about Oreos and about vegan ice cream but have not had either!
67. That I can sew
68. That soon it will be the weather/sun for me to wear my hat
69. That there will be more good tv on today *if I need it *
70. Or I can paint
71. or draw
72. or color patterns
73. Or take Ph to the park
74. That I have started a list of things *I’d * *really * like to do.
75. And they include horseback riding (again) (fearlessly and galloping, which I did love)
76. That cross-country trip the way J described it. Wow. I really am changing. (I wonder if he would like it. And if it could be good for his business. We could bring Ph, and I could bring *a few * good things to do while he’s working. It sounds nice).
77. Sky-diving. I really said that!
78. See England.
79. I don’t feel like I need an ashram.
80. J has not given up on me/on us. Thank you, God.
81. My Royal Doultons. The Royal Doulton in my dream last night
82. Ph leaning against me in bed.
83. My dr. commenting on the “nice” things in my breakfront.
84. The way my d.r. table looks right now.
85. And my coffee table
86. I will get to laundry today.
87. And shop for new clothes very soon!
88. And I will clean this weekend. If I can’t figure out the vacuum business, then I’ll do it like I did last time.
89. And maybe clean the floors with that cleaner, too.
90. And cook some stuff (did I already say that? I’ll do extra just in case), Even if it is very very simple and only one day at at time.
91. If I cannot get my shopping/cooking list done in time, I’ll take my mother and I’ll go later or tomorrow morning (depending on whether I’m going to the charity event) or whatever.
92. I will call Sp in 10 minutes and apologize that I didn’t get up in time to call.
93. Whatever I put before my recovery, I will lose. I will always do these things first each day.
94. And I must start eating less. Pray for the help.
95. But! But for one slip, I have not had a bite of junk in like – almost 2 months?
96. And veganism helps me with that.
97. That lady I read about who helps the wolves.
98. And gets to “live” with them.
99. And change people’s perceptions of them, those beautiful creatures.
100. The recycling plant had some hopeful, encouraging things to say.
101. Childen are being taught to care for Mother Earth.
102. I think M and I *will * get our summer days (2?) and will do stuff
103. And have fun with it
104. And it’ll be great for the kids.
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