Today's For Today:
"True happiness is of a retired nature, and an enemy to pomp and noise; it arises, in the first place, from the enjoyment of one's self, and, in the next, from the friendship and conversation of a few select companions." Joseph Addison
"Feeling good about myself is the most basic requirement of happiness. It is liking myself unconditionally, feeling worthwhile just because I exist. My worth is determined by me and has nothing to do with public acclaim, the number of people I know or the size and decibel level of the parties I attend. I may enjoy any or all these things, but they are not the source of my happiness.
For today: I go to any length to practice the twelve-step program because its entire purpose is to enable me to feel good about myself."
Wow! I love that one!
Today's Voices of Recovery:
"Clearly a power greater than ourselves had to be found if we were to be returned to sanity." OA 12 & 12 p. 12
"For someone as impulsive and driven to find relief as I was, sanity took many forms: waiting instead of acting, looking for the positive in a situation, feelings of satisfaction when the action fell short of the intention, and learning to be aware of my compulsion and think it through.
When I relied on my wits alone, I used all my energy to make things happen. too often I met with frustration, disappointment, and feelings of failure or self-pity, which led me back to the food.
The Higher Power I found in Overeaters Anonymous revealed a more peaceful approach to living. He enabled me to begin asking for help, contemplate my options, and anticipate the effect of my actions on others.
I began to trust in this Higher Power, trust my instincts, and, ultimately, trust other people. now my faith in that power reveals itself in the smallest decisions during my day.
I feel a calmness and a confidence that produce realistic expectations under adversity. Now that's sanity."
Oh, I love this program!
Today's In This Moment:
"In This Moment, I am learning who I am.
No feelings were expressed in my house when I was growing up. Consequently, I learned not to feel. I developed several ways to keep my feelings down. i would get depressed instead of angry, anxious instead of scared or sad. If that didn't work, I'd overeat to stuff the feelings.
now that I'm an adult in recovery, I'm learning it's OK to feel - but it's still hard. If I feel depressed and anxious, I still want to eat a box of cookies. What I've learned to do is identify those dysfunctional coping mechanisms as signals that I'm feelings something I need to deal with. i ask myself, "What am I feeling?" and then, "What do I need to do about it?" With the help of my meetings and Higher Power, I'm learning who I am."
Not AS amazing for me, but maybe for someone reading this...:)
Today's The Language of Letting Go:
"Financial Responsibility
We are responsible for ourselves financially.
What a frightening, grown-up thought that is for many of us - taking responsibility for money and our financial affairs. For many of us, handing over responsibility for our financial affairs has been part of a codependent trade-off in our relationships.
Some of our emotional dependency on others, on this tight tie that binds us to others, not in love, but in need and desperation, is directly related to financial dependency. Our fears and reluctance to take responsibility for our financial affairs can be a barrier to the freedom we're seeking in recovery.
Financial responsibility is an attitude. Money goes out to pay for necessities and luxuries. money must come in, in order to go out. How much needs to come in to equal that which is going out?
Taxes . . . savings plans . . . appropriate spending habits that demonstrate an attitude of financial responsibility . . . Part of being alive means learning to handle money. Even if we have a healthy contract with someone that allows us to depend on him or her for money, we still need to understand the workings o fthe money earned and spent in our life.
Self-esteem will increase when we increase our sense of being financially responsible for ourselves. We can start where we are, with what we have today.
God, help me become willing to let go of my fears and reluctance to face the necessary parts of handling money responsibly in my life. Show me the lessons I need to learn about money.
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