For Today:
"Infantile love follows the principle: I love because I am loved. mature love follows the principle: I am loved because I love." Erich Fromm
"Emotional growth often begins the moment we walk in the OA door. Given the eroded self-regard of many compulsive overeaters, it is a deeply affecting experience to find unconditional acceptance in the OA meeting rooms.
From that beginning come self-acceptance and the ability to accept and love others without conditions or expectations.
As one OA speaker said, "I love you: whether you love me is beside the point."
For today: Do I show people acceptance and love without insisting that they first assure me of theirs?"
Voice of Recovery
The Twelfth Step invited us to continue the journey one day at a time for the rest of our lives. We need to keep moving forward in recovery, keep developing our spiritual consciousness, if we are to remain spiritually awake and fully alive." OA 12 & 12 p. 100
"Through the practice of the Twelve Steps I have been awakened spiritually. And by continuing to practice these principles throughout my day, I may remain free of the bondage to food. As it says in the Big Book of Alcoholics Anonymous, i believe I have a daily reprieve contingent upon the maintenance of my spiritual condition.
I am truly grateful that a Higher Power has removed from me the obsession to eat and replaced it with the willingness to use the tools of this program which enable me to live life on life's terms. I trust that no matter what happens in my life today, picking up the food will not take away the pain or make me 'feel better.' I have come to realize that nothing happens in God's world by mistake. The best thing I can do today is get on with the next thing that's in front of me, and all things will pass."
In This Moment:
"In This Moment, it's Valentine's Day.
Although I was not promiscuous, I spent many Valentine's Days with different men. I find it hard to understand my behavior. My parents were happily married for over fifty years. Where did I learn that it was OK to leave a problematic relationship rather that to try to work it out? My fear of being alone drove me to hold onto failing relationships just long enough to look for the next one.
Today, in recovery, I enjoy my current relationship, I am willing to work through the ugly times that surface in any loving partnership. Today, I see a disagreement as an indication that I have some work to do, not as the signal to start looking for a replacement.
The Language of Letting Go
"Valentine's Day
For children, Valentine's Day means candy hearts, silly cards, and excitement in the air.
How different Valentine's Day can be for us as adults. The Love Day can be a symbol that we have not yet gotten love to work for us as we would like.
Or it can be a symbol of something different, something better. We are in recovery now. We have begun the healing process. our most painful relationships, we have learned, have assisted us on the journey to healing, even if they did little more than point out our own issues or show us what we don't want in our life.
We have started the journey of learning to love ourselves. We have started the process of opening our heart to love, real love that flows from us, to others, and back again. Do something loving for yourself. do something loving and fun for your friends, for your children, or for anyone you choose.
It is the Love Day. Wherever we are in our healing process, we can have as much fun with it as we choose. Whatever our circumstances, we can be grateful that our heart is opening to love.
I will open myself to the love available to me from people, the Universe, and my Higher Power today. I will allow myself to give and receive the love I want today. I am grateful that my heart is healing, that I am learning to love."
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