For Today:
"The faultfinder will find faults even in Paradise." Henry David Thoreau
"Do I recognize myself in that bleak portrait? Finding fault is a habit, like having to be right, or telling people what to do. It's possible to find fault even if the object of my displeasure were to become the exact opposite of what it is. As a faultfinder, I can be on the offensive and no one has a chance to criticize me. Finding fault is easy; a child can do it, particularly a tired, cross, frustrated child.
Chronic faultfinding is a flaw in my own makeup, and has nothing to do with people and things outside myself. It is a habit that needs the scrutiny of a personal inventory and a good step-five-airing.
For today: Growth in the OA program allows me to see with new eyes; feeling good about myself makes me less critical of myself and others.
Voices of Recovery:
"In OA we learn that our recovery comes to us through the principles of the program, not through personalities." O 12 & 12 p. 203
"We are taught, through loving acts of tact and kindness under difficult circumstances, that we are given far more than a normal body size as a result of taking OA's Twelve Steps and remaining abstinent.
Since recovery in OA is a transformational journey, conflict with others is inevitable, and often unavoidable. The shame and low self-esteem which prays on us afterwards is the voice of our disease, calling us back.
Today, I can view my differences with others, both personal and philosophical, as opportunities to identify and overcome my knee-jerk reactions to the world in which I live. I can tolerate the feelings and sidestep the temptation to abbreviate my discomfort by speaking or acting inappropriately, knowing that a short-term 'fix' won't work for someone like me.
I pray that I may always seek God's help to move towards the most harmonious relations with others, knowing that my abstinence may hinge on my reaction to life in this moment. The OA principles will always lead me in that direction.
In This Moment:
"In This Moment, I'm God's child.
"I'm beautiful as is. I don't need to change to please the world. I continue to grow, at my own pace, in peace and understanding. i am no longer lost as before. Now, I have a Fellowship which understands and cares about me. I can talk things over with my sponsor. I don't have to face my feelings alone. I have friends to talk to and do things with. And I have a Higher Power who never lets me down."
The Language of Letting Go
"Living in the Present
"the present moment is all we have. yes, we have plans and goals, a vision for tomorrow. But now is the only time we possess. And it is enough.
We can clear our mind of the residue of yesterday. We can clear our mind of fears of tomorrow. We can be present, now. We can make ourselves available to this moment, this day. It is by being fully present now that we reach the fullness of tomorrow.
Have no fear, child, a voice whispers. Have no regrets. Relinquish your resentments. Let Me take your pain. All you have is the present moment. Be still. Be here. Trust.
All you have is now. It is enough.
Today, I will affirm that all is well around me, when all is well within."
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