I am grateful:
1. Doing the three things for my mother yesterday
2. L.
3. Getting my kitchen cleaned up yesterday
4. And my lr
5. and dr
6. and sunroom
7. Getting more done for my London trip
8. Cleaning out my car! At long last!
9. God
10. EJ
11. Thich Nhat Hahn soon!
12. I can do this (London). I can.
13. And try not to criticize myself if I don’t do the theater or…
14. But just enjoy myself
15. And learn stuff to bring back to my district!
16. Coffee
17. Emergency-C
18. Claritan
19. Multi-vitamin
20. Lutein
21. Co-Q10
22. Vitamin D
23. Calcium
24. And magnesium
25. Vitamin Cs!
26. Jo, my new girlfriend through L.
27. The amazing talk we had last night, which straightened out the whole Jo thing once and for all.
28. Texting
29. I’m so glad I got the iPhone. Finally: )
30. So many things like this, are luxuries. And I get to have them.
31. The French language.
32. And that I’m taking lessons.
33. My teacher, A.
34. Honest people
35. My piano. MY piano. That I earned, and pay for, and picked out, and have.
36. My lessons when I take them.
37. That I have been able to pay my therapist.
38. That phone therapist and all he has done for me.
39. That I want to live!
40. That I will be with L. today.
41. And some of his family members later too!
42. That I was available for dear M in her suffering this morning.
43. And will continue to be.
44. So much birdsong lately.
45. My forsythia is blooming! Yay!
46. MA
47. ML
48. S
49. St
50. O
51. M
52. Jo
53. Other Jo
54. Ma
55. That I took my mother to dinner last night.
56. And I *really * didn’t want to. But it was good for her! Especially with her nervousness about me and England.
57. And how she is trying to hide her nervousness about me and England.
58. That *I * wound up having a nice time anyway.
59. That I am so excited to see L. today
60. That M did all that school paper work
61. And I sent the group e-mail after all.
62. And all is pretty much ready to do Monday.
63. And because of London, it will be a shorter work week for me!
64. Humor
65. Movies
66. Sitcoms
67. M’s AMAZING help yesterday regarding my L. “problem” though it was probably imagined. I do NOT want to sabotage this relationship!!!
68. His kisses!
69. And I shall have them soon!
70. Beautiful cards
71. The amazing, beautiful thank you card I got from my principal for the VERY SPECIAL gift I gave her when she was suffering after her surgery. I’m SO happy I did that!
72. That T. is helping me!
73. Maybe I will give her the very special other present.
74. That my passport holder will come Monday: ) !
75. That I cleaned out a kitchen drawer and bought 6 organic sulphates-free things for L, and put them in it. So when he comes her on April 7th, he’ll have something comfy if he gets puckish. Just like he has always tried to make me comfy there.
76. That he’s such a health nut.
77. It influences me positively
78. AND it takes care of his precious self.
79. That doggie, although I miss her so much, is probably happy with J.
80. That I DO want her happy.
81. That I have good hair
82. And general health! What a priceless gift!
83. And the ability to have orgasms. Yay.
84. My car
85. Electricity
86. Freedom.
87. That I had the courage to file for divorce. I would have NEVER NEVER EVER believed I could do that.
88. Let alone do that and be all right.
89. My Oleg Cassini little jacket (although it was really cheap at a discount place, and maybe even has a defect but if so I don’t see it).
90. Shoes
91. Boots
92. A hat
93. Sweaters
94. Mutuality.
95. As in my friendship with M
96. And my lovership with L
97. That maybe soon I can be fully honest with my mother. That would be so nice. For both of us. If she can do it…
98. Books. Good books.
99. And books that are not necessarily so good, but that I enjoy.
100. Magazines too. Although except for Prevention and my beloved Vegetarian Times, I might not be needing them anymore.
101. Every loving act any person has ever taken in this world.
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