For Today:
"Nothing can bring you peace but yourself." Ralph Waldo Emerson
"Like it or not, I am part of a world that searches after possessions and prestige as if they are the key to happiness. Owning certain luxuries is called 'living well.' But is it, really? Living well is an internal condition, not an external one. It means feeling good about myself. if i rely on something outside myself - possessions, people, places - the good feeling can be taken away as easily as it is given.
I want my feeling of worth to come from within, my place in the world to come from being at peace with myself. That is what the twelve-step program promises, and delivers. The inner peace i achieve as I grow in the program enables me to provide for ALL my needs.
For Today: I cannot will myself to have peace of mind, but I can re-examine my priorities. Am I putting enough time and effort into activities that nurture my spirit?
Voices of Recovery
"One aspect of this program that keeps us here is the promise of permanent recovery from this baffling malady." OA 12 & 12 p. 83
Oh. I really needed to hear this!
"Day after day I admit my powerlesness over food and everything else in my life. By turning my powerlessness over to God, I am accepting help. I ask my Higher Power to show me His will for me and for my ability to concentrate on recovery.
Reading Twelve-Step literature reminds me that i have a disease and that I can RECOVER, one day at a time. The program teaches me that I must commit to work and live the Steps. maintaining abstinence, being accountable to my sponsor, giving service, and making amends are some of the actions that keep me in recovery. As I keep these commitments each day, I receive the healing, happiness, joy, and freedoms that eluded me before program.
I am grateful to God, to my family, to my OA family, and to all who love me unconditionally for their part in helping me become the woman i am meant to be. Permanent recovery is possible, and I am worth receiving it.
In This Moment
"In This Moment, I need meetings."
Oh, boy, is there a message here above!
"As I was sitting in a CoDA meeting the other night, slowly feeling better as folks shared, it suddenly struck me - for the hundredth time - how indispensable meetings are in my recovery. I nee to be in meetings regularly to keep my disease at bay. i need to hear people talking about taking care of themselves, and i need to share my recovery with others. I need to hear over and over that I have a right to take care of myself, that my Higher Power is within me - not in people, place, and things. Today, in my new life, I am so grateful I have healthy meeting that I can attend regularly. I need 'em."
The Language of Letting Go
"Trusting ourselves
Trust can be one of the most confusing concepts in recovery. Who do we trust/ For what?
The most important trust issue we face is learning to trust ourselves. The most detrimental thing that's happened to us is that we came to believe we couldn't trust ourselves.
There will be some who tell us we cannot trust ourselves, we are off base and out of whack. There are those who would benefit by our mistrusting ourselves.
Fear and doubt are our enemies. Panic is our enemy. Confusion is our opposition.
Self-trust is a healing gift we can give ourselves. How do we acquire it? We learn it. What do we do about our mistakes, about those times we thought we could trust ourselves but were wrong? We accept them, and trust ourselves anyway.
We know what is best for us. We know what is right for us. If we are wrong, if we need to change our mind, we will be guided into that - but only by trusting where we are today.
We can look to others for support and reinforcement, but trust in ourselves is essential.
Do not trust fear. Do not trust panic. We can trust ourselves, stand in our own truth, stand in our own light. We have it NOW> Already. We have all the light we need for today. And tomorrow's light shall be given to us then.
Trust ourselves, and we will know whom to trust. Trust ourselves, and we will know what to do . When we feel we absolutely cannot trust ourselves, trust that God will guide us into truth.
God, help me let go of fear, doubt, and confusion - the enemies of self-trust. help me go forward in peace and confidence. Help me grow in trust for myself and You, one day at a time, one experience at a time."
Wow! Did I need THIS one today!
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