Sunday, March 4, 2012

Readings First Today:)

For Today:

"Those undeserved joys which come uncalled and make us more pleased than grateful are [the ones] that sing." Henry David Thoreau

"It is a sudden pleasant turn of events, a delightful surprise that makes me know again that God works in mysterious ways. In times of despair, a friend happens to call. When I'm shopping for just the right gift, a totally unexpected suggestion presents itself. What I need most comes my way, but in a different, and far better, form than I could have imagined. Again and again I see the work of a Higher Power in my life. God's way is smooth and uncluttered. It is my will that is the stumbling block. When I overcome my need to control every event, every minute, my day is an adventure. Who knows what undeserved joys will come my way?

For today: I so not have to think about tomorrow or yesterday or brood about how things should be. God is directing this show, and I don't want to miss my cue."



Voices of Recovery?

" we understood him, . . . "
-Step Eleven

"Today I am not burdened by my or anyone else's preconceptions about a Higher Power. By working the Steps, using the slogans, and taking advantage of the tools, I have met a power greater than myself which works for me. Prayer and meditation are what I need daily to be the complete and abstinent person that I am."


In This Moment:

"In This Moment, I am honest with myself.

Honesty means finding freedom through truthfulness. When I get in touch with my true feelings, I dig deeper to the root cause of my dysfunction. In Step Four, my personal inventory uncovers my character defects. In Step Five, I work with my sponsor and Higher Power to plant the seeds of healing, where once there was disease. Where there was turmoil, now there is serenity. Once tormented by fear, now I have courage. Ignorance and foolishness have been replaced with wisdom. All of this happens when I do my part and allow God to do God's Part."



The Language of Letting Go:

"Higher Power as a Source

"Ive learned i can take care of myself, and what I can't do, God will do for me."
Al-Anon member

"God, a Higher Power as we understand Him, is our source of guidance and positive change. This doesn't mean we're not responsible for ourselves. We are. But we aren't in this alone.
Recovery is not a do-it-yourself project. We don't have to become overly concerned about changing ourselves. We can do our part, relax, and trust that the changes we'll experience will be right for us.
Recovery means we don't have to look to other people as our source to meet our needs. They can help us, but they are not the source.
As we learn to trust the recovery process, we start to understand that a relationship with our Higher Power is no substitute for relationships with people. We don't need to hide behind religious beliefs or use our relationship with a Higher Power as an excuse to stop taking responsibility for ourselves and taking care of ourselves in relationships. But we can tap into and trust a Power greater than ourselves for the energy, wisdom, and guidance to do that.

Today, I will look to my Higher Power as the source for all my needs, including the changes I want to make in my recovery.


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