Monday, March 12, 2012

My One Hundred Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. K
2. All that she’s taught me about how to be independent.
3. Ka. And all that she’s given me with regards to Reiki.
4. And that I can help others with that
5. And do
6. E-mail from St this am
7. And text from L
8. And I am *loving * texting!
9. Hot coffee right now
10. G, one of my aides
11. N, texting me yesterday, to say hope had great b’day night.
12. And me showing someone.
13. Great comment from someone about 100 grats yesterday. I won’t put it here yet. I’ll explain why in a week or two.
14. French lesson today at lunch! Yay!
15. Mani/pedi on Sat am!
16. And free massage coming soon!
17. I think I’ll take it right after London. Or maybe right before? I think right after.
18. That I am a grown-up. I was a child. And I’m glad for those times. But I am a grown-up. And it’s time that I know it.
19. That I know it.
20. That I’m behaving it, mostly. Have fallen behind in some house things. But mostly.
21. I am eating better.
22. I am moving more.
23. I am pretty good around here.
24. I am trying again to get enough sleep. Had lost that for a couple of weeks.
25. Taking vitamins.
26. Staying spiritual.
27. Doing some meditation.
28. And some Reiki.
29. I especially love love love doing Reiki for others.
30. Just e-mailed my two much-loved cousins.
31. WILL do mindfulness meditation (“the breathing game”) with my students today.
32. St. Patrick’s Day packet! Thank you, M.
33. Journals
34. Math pages
35. This:
36. That I have seen planets. And likely will again. For example, I *expect * to be alive for these 3 days to see, as per above link
37. That I SO appreciate my life now!
38. Just having it.
39. AND the quality of it.
40. Despite all the “problems.” I’m still so lucky!
41. Greek style vegan yogurt.
42. Fresh veggies
43. Water. Always water.
44. My hands.
45. Sweet kisses.
46. Being treated with compassion
47. And care
48. And tenderness
49. And appreciation
50. And endearment
51. And humor
52. And lightness
53. And honesty
54. And adultness. Wow I am grateful for all of that.
55. The woman I’m seeing after school today. Nice.
56. That yesterday’s 100 came so quickly and easily.
57. Maybe I will be able to concentrate despite this fatigue and cold I have.
58. TWO people at dinner the other night at my birthday, whipping out Vitamin C, from their pockets, to give me! Fun!
59. My new birthday bracelet from school friend, Ma.
60. I’ll wear it today!
61. That although I lost an earring yesterday, I’m not crazed about it!
62. That I have a fireplace. Probably won’t use again til next year, for sure, but I have it.
63. That I’m okay despite these allergies.
64. That I love birds.
65. I am grateful for the birds – AND that I love them
66. That I just read on home page in one of the articles, that they consider “slow and steady” exercise, a 4-mile jog every day! Ah. This reminds me of how much I used to move!
67. Will make much more realistic, gentle-to-self schedule – today!
68. 28 that I have listed but won’t put here just let, bringing it to 96.
97. Breath
98. Sick days with pay when I really need them.
99. Love. All kinds of love.
100. My Reiki master/teacher/friend.

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