Monday, August 20, 2012


I am grateful for this and more: 1. That we had a safe trip home last night. L actually thought of this one. 2. Me: and that we had a nice trip out there, too. 3. The sky 4. The clouds 5. L: That we both have jobs to go to 6. L’s amazing fabulous beautiful affection this weekend 7. That all worked out well at the beach yesterday. I was there with L, another guy, one woman, plus TWO WOMEN WITH WHOM HE’S BEEN IN BED. Oy. But it worked out fine. And well. There is NO sexual chemistry between… 8. I DIDN’T like when one sort of lied to me: “When I was at L’s house – just friends! Just friends - . . .!” Bullshit. But I think since nothing ever came of it, . . . 9. I’m grateful that J still helps my mother. She was out of her mind last night! And now I have to emergency go there today! But at least J was there for her also. 10. I am so grateful for my sponsor 11. And my doctor 12. And so grateful for God in my life 13. And that the people with whom I now “hang around” – L’s friends – have such intelligent discourse! About God. About life. About books and films. About ideas. 14. And that they are each intelligent. 15. I’m SO grateful that I don’t eat meat. 16. And that I haven’t given in to the temptation for an egg! 17. And that I can continue to be strong. 18. I’m so grateful for Thich Naht Hanh 19. And that I have been on FOUR retreats with him! 20. I’m grateful that I have come to LOVE Jo, L’s former lover who has been his close friend for almost 20 years now. No jealousy. But I do love her. She is a friend in my life. 21. That L just had that meter work finished. And he was able to get the guy to move the transmitter OUTSIDE – which makes him MUCH more comfortable (water meter or something). 22. I’m grateful that his close friends feel we are in love 23. And that I do too 24. And that I think he does too 25. And that S helps him to know how to treat me 26. And he takes to it like a duck to water. 27. And that I still have my bracelet that he bought me. I can’t find the necklace. 28. That L is making me coffee, right now! 29. The stories L tells me about his family. 30. And that we have some of them in common, with our older Italian relatives. 31. The nice times I used to have with Li. 32. And I’m so grateful that I’m finally able to say that, after all the hurt she later caused me. 33. That L’s friends have an intellectual sort of a quest. So that, they will “confront” each other, like, “No. That’s not so. It’s . . .. “ But it is NOT obnoxious – at all. It’s about learning. And no one’s feelings get hurt. 34. That L is cleaning up/sorting through his dining room stuff now. 35. That I have found these online daily meditation readings! It means I neither have to lug my books here, nor take them out when l is over, nor do without when I’m with him! 36. Frozen banana! He just takes a banana that is spotted (actually he does a few at a time, ripening them from green that way on purpose, and organic always, of course), peels it, and gentle wraps it in a Saran Wrap kind of thing, then puts in freezer. The next day is a creamy, yummy, frozen thing that in my opinion is better – fresher – cleaner – yummier – than any ice cream, vegan or otherwise! Yay. 37. That I just did some searching for Assisted Living place for my mother, who wants one. I am PHOBIC about doing this kind of stuff! So I’m glad I did some here, at L’s. 38. Today’s reading from Each Day a New Beginning – wow! I really needed exactly that, today. 39. I’m grateful that I kind of miss OA meetings. Maybe I’ll get to one one evening this week. I especially miss my sponsor at them, though. But anyway… 40. I am grateful for MA, my dear dear friend 41. And on M’s behalf, that she is now in Florida with her children. 42. This, from today’s Food for Thought. I am really grateful for this: “Most of us overate alone. Learning to live without overeating involves learning to live with other people.” 43. My hands. My God, I am so grateful for my hands. That I use them so well. That they work so well for me. I love typing, for example. 44. And piano 45. And crewel work 46. And needlepoint 47. And knitting 48. And crocheting 49. And coloring 50. And painting 51. And writing, particularly in a notebook with a pencil 52. But also with a pen 53. And writing cards 54. I am grateful for Papyrus cards. 55. And that I have afforded some. 56. And given/sent to L. 57. And even to M. 58. Today’s Language of Letting Go. Wow. 59. That I feel I will really be a good – great teacher this year. 60. That the class looks not to be as crazy as last year’s. 61. That it is smaller. 62. That I can give them more. 63. And not by suffering, myself 64. That the sabatour, B, will NOT be in my classroom! 65. That I have more confidence now. 66. That I will be leaving here soon but that’s okay. Grateful that it’s okay. 67. That I might or might not go with L to his health food store first. 68. That I no longer waste time on the vb (message board). 69. Or hang around, even virtually, with negative people. 70. Or nasty-to-others people. 71. That I am able to FIND the “5 good things about me” for my daily feelings work. It is not as hard as it used to be. 72. That I am sitting here doing this, and can hear L upstairs. 73. That we have grown so comfortable with each other 74. His kisses 75. The romance! 76. That I shall leave him a beautiful card today! 77. That I have a piano! 78. And I bought it myself! 79. Grateful now, later, that after initially getting lost – oy – I got home safe from L’s. 80. I’m grateful that the drugstore is going to deliver the colonoscopy prep stuff I need, and they said in time. 81. And that my mother – well – there MIGHT be hope that I can find SOMETHING to help her not suffer such misery: ( 82. I’m grateful that I shall see my L. this coming weekend again! 83. And that I didn’t accidentally eat today – almost did! (prep) 84. I’m so grateful that I unpacked and put away everything now. Sometimes I have waited longer 85. And that except for some top-of-dresser-clutter, the house is in order. 86. After the nightmare I had last night and the Dr. Phil show today, I am so grateful that I do not have multiple personality disorder or whatever it’s called. 87. And that I’ve never been raped. 88. And that I do not have scvhizophrenia, as my poor mother has suffered with. 89. And that she’s still alive and I’m able to give to her 90. And visit her more 91. I’m grateful for this blog 92. And every person who ever reads it! 93. And the internet 94. And wireless internet 95. And my laptop computer 96. I’m grateful for my desk 97. And my 2 bathing suits 98. And that I fit in the one I wore 21 years ago, which I didn’t for a long while 99. And that L. called me “fetching” in it 100. And I’m grateful for the magazines I have for tonight, and my Chopin book, and my new vegan cookbook which looks so great! And has WONDERFUL reviews from GREAT people! And it is called, Quick and Easy Low-Cal Vegan Comfort Food: 150 Down-Home Recipes Packed with Flavor, Not Calories, by Alicia C. Simpson

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