Sunday, November 4, 2012

Nov. 2 Grats (was offline due to storm but used Word program

I am grateful: 1. I am at L’s 2. Went to school with him. And I wrote these while I was there!: 3. Sitting here in L’s class 4. Have been in his office 5. Life 6. Breath 7. House not damaged by the storm, like structurally 8. His professionalism here – it’s so nice to see 9. The math I *do * understand 10. Email 11. The power came ak on at hs house at 1am 12. Eyesight 13. Can walk 14. Can drive 15. Have car 16. Enough gas to get home and to mother this is a bgi deal as gas is in true short supply! Most places at home and here are closed – no gas! And a could of places are even gauging - $5.90 a gallon. Heck, it would be nice even to find one of those! But we managed (long story and no easy feat!!!) to get me enough to get home and to my mother 17. Cell phone 18. And charged 19. Nook 20. And charged 21. His kindness 22. His welcoming nature to the students 23. How much I love being on campus 24. Reinvigorates that dream of mine too 25. I am grateful that l has said, “Gee I’m so glad you’re here.” 26. And – he has said it so many times! 27. And that my mother is getting to go home, at long last, on Sunday 28. And that it’s not UNTIL Sun – so I can stay here all weekend 29. And I shall do the right thing by her! 30. Forever (the rest of our lives) 31. I am grateful that 2 sets of friends want to see us tonight, alone or together (sets) 32. And that L keeps wanting to stay here “alone the two of us, me with you here cozy together.” 33. And mainly this final plan is because J, who is depressed, wants particularly to see me.

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