Sunday, November 11, 2012

Today's Reading - Today's Gift

"We shall not cease from exploration, And the end of all our exploring Will be to arrive from where we started And know the place for the first time." T.S. Eliot We spend much of our lives looking forward to milestones we hope will mark our passage into wisdom - that time and place when once and for all we will know all there is to know. When I am 13, I'll be grown up, we say. When I am 16, 18, 21, drive a car, graduate, marry, write a book, own a house, find a job, or retire then I'll be grown up. When we seek complete transformation, mere insight is disappointing. We find we don't know all there is to know - not at thirteen or 35 or 80. We are still growing up. The baby, the child, the younger person each of us was yesterday is still with us; we continue to love, hate, hurt, grieve, startle, delight, feel. There is no magic moment of lasting enlightenment; simply a series of fleeting moments lived one at a time each day. They bring us home to who we've always been. What small thing have I learned today?

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