Friday, May 11, 2012
I am grateful:
1. M and her friendship
2. That we are talking on the phone every morning.
3. Her apology for being too intense
4. And her working on it in therapy
5. And my apology to here for seeming cold yesterday : (
6. And that she accepted it.
7. And that I accepted hers.
8. That I don’t emotionally eat as much anymore.
9. L. is back. Emotionally. It turns out he was getting sick. 102.2 fever.
10. He had already sent me a beautiful card. He wrote in it, “You make the flowers in my heart bloom. Love, L.” He’s never written Love, and his name before.
11. Then last night when we were hanging up, he said, “Love you Dear.”
12. And later call, he said it again.
13. I love him. I know, I know. Keep perspective. Keep self. But it’s nice that I love him.
14. With all this terrorist airplane bomb talk, I’m so grateful that I had safe flights to and from London.
15. L. in my life
16. God
17. Universal goodness
18. Humor
19. Cartoons
20. My dr. yesterday
21. My dr. reminding/helping me to not lose myself into L.
22. But also saying that l. has a lot to offer me
23. And that we are good for each other in a number of ways
24. And to have fun
25. That I am falling in love
26. That people say I am glowing
27. That I will FINALLY be getting some things done around here. House things
28. Doggie. I miss her SO! But I am so grateful for her.
29. That M. is looking at houses.
30. And that this recent one is so wonderful.
31. That I pray(ed) for her and her girls
32. Buddha
33. Thich Nhat Hanh
34. That someone asked me about TNH yesterday: )
35. That a few people at work do want to meditate together.
36. And now it is Friday. I am grateful that L. has this little flu, because it could have been something worse. I have heard things
38. reba mcentire’s beautiful voice
39. singing in the car
40. cousins
41. that maybe I’ll see some of them this summer
42. my online prayer community
43. my L saying at end of two phone calls this week, “Love you Dear.”
44. People who are caring
45. And kind
46. And funny
47. And use their intelligence to help others
48. The compliments I’ve been getting lately at school, on my weight loss
49. And my clothes
50. And that I’m glowing!
51. I got a hair cut yesterday
52. And color. What wealth! No more grays: )
53. And a pedicure
54. A special one – spa pedicure
55. With 15 minute massage
56. Sitcoms
57. Music
58. Soon I’ll be able to USE my new stereo, lol: )
59. And I’ll have music whenever I want
60. I’m going to try to play in my piano teacher’s adult student recital!
61. I’ve been practicing a little each day
62. Piano piano piano
63. P. said yesterday, at lunch, how well I play
64. And that I seem so happy when I’m playing
65. Coloring
66. Art
67. Modern art
68. Happy students lately. Mostly. But those who aren’t, it’s apparently because of their own internal issues.
69. French!
70. M
71. L’s kisses
72. Oral sex. Sorry, but I AM grateful for it!
73. Maybe we’ll still have our concert date this weekend, if L. is better…
74. My principal
75. That my aide came to me yesterday and said she would NEVER say anything about me… long story. Anyway, I’m grateful.
76. The very weird and yucky dream I had right before awakening. At least dreams are somewhat telling.
77. Humor
78. The emails I’ve been sending L. while he’s sick.
79. Mother’s Day
80. G, my afternoon one hour aide
81. Pocketbooks
82. That my aide is doing her work now
83. Jewelry
84. Meditation
85. Thich Nhat Hanh
86. Bed phone talks
87. The Mother’s Day presents we’re sending home
88. Buddies
89. Book of the Month
90. M sharing such amazing cute stuff with me for my class
91. Weekends
92. Soon I’ll be free of J? Maybe…
93. And have enough money? …
94. Kids’ art
95. Piano in my classroom!
96. Plants!
97. That M is looking at her issues. ‘Cause I love her but they do drive me crazy
98. Caresses
99. Hugs
100. Lovely words
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