Thursday, May 3, 2012


I am grateful: 1. That I have been bowling 2. That I am alive 3. That I am more accepting life on life’s terms 4. Maura 5. M 6. MA 7. ML 8. S 9. St 10. O 11. Ma 12. Jo 13. JA 14. SS 15. L 16. Self 17. Doctor 18. Two hour important therapy yesterday 19. Exercise 20. Tomatoes 21. Hummus 22. Whole grain bread 23. Thai greens last night 24. And felt better right away from eating them 25. Doing gratitudes 26. Breathing well today. 27. And actually, usually. 28. My eyesight! 29. My students’ response to the Helen Keller book! 30. And – to the Annie Sullivan story!! 31. Two preps today. I need them: ) 32. French 33. L will stay here this weekend 34. My body felt so good last night! 35. My skin feels good right now 36. Sleep 37. My hands 38. And all they do for me. Including typing 39. And Reiki 40. And hugs 41. And touches 42. And driving 43. That my thumb is good right now 44. That I can walk 45. That I got to go to that Seder this year. I loved that. 46. B, and the help she did give me. 47. My thumb exercises. 48. And that I’m still doing them 49. I am grateful for my home 50. I am grateful for my grass 51. I am grateful for my trees 52. Especially the big old oak tree out front 53. And the Norway Maple out back 54. And that I sit UNDER it in summer 55. Summer off! 56. My sponsor 57. My feet 58. Shoes 59. Heat 60. A/c 61. Faucets 62. Stone 63. My stone steps 64. The computer 65. Texting 66. Cell phone 67. Email 68. Nice red wine 69. Wine with a long finish 70. Sweet Belgian beer – “girlie beers” lol 71. Things coming more clearly to me now 72. Talking to God 73. Listening to. Trying to, anyway 74. Every moment of sanity 75. My sponsor saying, “Get down on your knees and talk to God. And say, ‘Thank you, that I have one moment of sanity. That I can combat this disease.’” 76. My bills are paid. Thank God for that. 77. L’s kisses. Oh how I love them. 78. Showers 79. Baths 80. Soap 81. Bubble bath. What luxuries! 82. Lamps 83. Electricity 84. Bulbs 85. I am truly grateful for these things. And I am grateful that I am grateful for them 86. Throw pillows. I love my throw pillows. 87. And that I picked them out, brought them home, and paid for them by myself. Through all the phobias. 88. I was in a tunnel again Sat. night. And I was fine! Oh thank you, God. 89. If it isn’t raining, I shall take a walk today. 90. My sponsor’s image of a mountain. It is steep. I have to do anything I can to hold on. If I stop holding on, I slip back. 91. Sponsor: “I can give in to the crazy disease, or I can just think about how lucky I am.” 92. L and I having been able to talk through the big thing(s). Thank God. 93. My gorgeous l.r. area rug. 94. The word awesome. In its true meaning. God and His power are awesome. 95. Books 96. Bookshelves 97. Lessons I learn from my students 98. Leaves on all the trees. So beautiful 99. That beautiful road along the park, on which I drive every day on the way home from work 100. And so many other times too.

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