Monday, May 21, 2012


For Today: "Defeat is a school in which truth always grows strong." Henry Ward Beecher Never in all the years of fighting it did I think I would admit to being defeated by food. When the illusion that I could eat like other people was finally route, many other truths began to emerge. That was the beginning of recovery. Each day I practice the program of recovery, more truth about myself is revealed to me. I welcome all of it, the worst as well as the best. only when I know who I am can I make use of the directions that tell me how i can change. For today: Any person or incident that shows me a truth about myself is of benefit to me." Voices of Recovery "As we responded with action to the love we had ben shown in OA, the result was a new faith in ourselves, in others, and in the power of that love." OA 12 & 12 p. 17 Many OA people loved me until I learned to love myself. It was not until I could love myself that I recovered and did the needed work: used the tools, worked the Steps, lived the traditions. It has been a long journey, but I have made it to the other side: I am happy, joyous, and free. In This Moment In This Moment, i am aware of my value and worth. I have finally learned that I have inherent value and worth, given to me by my Higher Power. Because I know this, i no longer need to go into a shame attack when I've made a mistake or come up short in some way. I'm now able to admit my mistakes and accept them as part of being human. I learn from my experience, as long as I stop doubting my worth or God's love for me. I have a right to be here. I am easier to live with and much more loving and accepting of my family and others. I thank God and CoDA for this knowledge. The Language of Letting Go Getting Needs Met I want to change careers . . . I need a friend . . . I'm ready to be in a relationship. . . Regularly, we become aware of new needs. We may need to change our behavior with our children. We may need a new couch, love and nurturing, a dollar, or help. Do not be afraid to recognize a want or need. The birth of a want or need, the temporary frustration from acknowledging a need before it's met, is the start of the cycle of receiving what we want. We follow this by letting, go, then receiving that which we want and need. Identifying our needs is preparation for good things to come. Acknowledging our needs means we are being prepared and drawn to that which will meet them. We can have faith to stand in that place in between. Today, I will let go of my belief that my needs never get met. I will acknowledge my wants and needs, then turn them over to my higher Power. My Higher Power cares, sometimes about the silliest little things, if I do. My wants and needs are not an accident. God created me, and all my desire." Wow. Nice!

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