Friday, October 5, 2012

Today's Reading - Voices of Recovery

"We now have a new reaction when we face a problem or a decision, whether it has to do with food, with life, or with our own runaway emotions. Instead of acting on impulse, we pause long enough to learn God's will." OA 12 & 12 p. 26 I have learned to trust God to take care of me and to take charge of my compulsive eating. One day at a time he proves His strength and power and love by relieving the obsession with food. Bit by bit, I turn over my will and my life as I become conscious that I am not in a position to control a particular person, place, thing, situation, circumstance, or event. As the trust builds, I experience increasing peace of mind and a new reaction to stress, fear, anxiety, frustration, and disappointment; the desire to ask for help. Instead of the knee-jerk reaction of stuffing my face, I pray when I am in distress, either out loud or on paper to go in my God box. Peace of mind returns and the trust increases. With the trust comes another day of freedom from the insanity of compulsive eating and from the pain of living with myself.

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