Thursday, January 24, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. I am grateful for my breathing on my own.
2. My health food store
3. Kisses
4. Clothes
5. Heat
6. Electricity
7. Car
8. Communication with friends and loved ones.
9. the phone
10. the iPhone too (or any cell phone)
11. happy stories from people's lives
12. indoor recess on these horrible days
13. shoes
14. boots
15. showers
16. whimsy
17. compassion
18. lamps
19. laptop
20. books
21. heat in the car
22. eyesight
23. any protections that do exist, ex. my union. we are being attacked so unjustly.
24. organic food
25. greens
26. coffee this morning
27. JJ
28. EJ
29. Birdie
30. cards
31. ecards
32. love
33. any safety i do have
34. laughter
35. that i have food
36. and water
37. right now, i am not fighting to survive
38. saline solution for my nose
39. non GMO foods
40. hope
41. this blog
42. humor and jokes
43. My kids and their riddles
44. A lot of sleep last night.
45. That I was in a bad place this morning. Found about like THREE MINUTES to mediate when first got to work, and it turned around!!
46. The support A. is in my life right now.
47. That L. said he misses me this morning. Loves, kisses, misses me. And misses sex with me and times together, ...
48. That I will probably spend a little MORE TIME on trying to help him get therapy, and then have to move on FULLY. No friendship...
49. The way I feel when I walk
50. My thing was delivered for the treadmill. Uh oh - no excuses now lol!
51. Sidewalks. Really.
52. That at least I'll be with M at the 3rd-awful-meeting-this-week today at lunchtime.
53. That I get to work with her!
54. Honesty
55. That I am on a clean journey. Trying.
56. New sub and how we were to each other.
57. That I get to work with THESE kids this year!
58. Better today with principal and that other teacher...
59. A's idea bout how to handle L.
60. Memories of UNHAPPINESS with J. Those help me know that HE is NOT The answer! Cannot be!
61. the vegan Greek yogurt I had for breakfast
62. that I can speak. I remember when i couldn't
63. That I can read
64. The Internet
65. I am grateful for paid sick days
66. And that my breath is coming deeply today. not cold in chest like yesterday -
67. For gratitudes themselves.
68. For assemblies
69. For dancing. Watching it and doing it.
70. That I have a piano in my classroom
71. Bottled water today.
72. A microwave (I paid for and leave unplugged) in my classroom
73. And a mini-fridge (I paid - and we get mice if leave food out...) breasts
75. Every day that I am nice and wonderful to others.
76. Every time I have saved a doggie
77. That I am smart. I'm thankful for my brain.
78. And that my parents paid for college.
79. And so so grateful that I actually did go to London last spring.
80. All by myself!
81. And loved it SO INCREDIBLY MUCH!
82. And that the people there were so friendly to me!
83. That I live near NYC.
84. But not in NYC
85. That my commute to work is not bad
86. The feeling in my legs
87. Nice chat with A. last night.
88. And with M. this morning
89. That I didn't have to see my dr. yesterday
90. The weekend is almost here. I have SO MUCH to take care of!
91. My dishwasher
92. And the particularly great job it did yesterday
93. The movie Les Mis
94. And the discussion we, 3 of us, had about it this am
95. Recess
96. That if it has to cold out, at least it is cold enough for indoor recess. So I don't have to be out in it without the proper attire, which I don't have this season.
97. Vegetarian Times magazine
98. My iPad
99. Gardens
100. My friendship with MA

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