Monday, January 21, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1. That I think I have managed to fix my blog!
2. That I am back on it.
3. Orgasms. Yup, really. Why not be grateful for those little bits of bliss? : )
4. That I can type.
5. I have been sick since Fri. and am surely grateful that I'm doing so much better now!
6. Grateful for that woman who sat at sangha that day years ago and shared that her
counselor had once told her her attitude was so bad, and that she'd better do 100 gratitudes A DAY! And that she had been DOING them. For 15 years! And that her attitude was so - transformed. And her life so much - better!
7. And that I have started. Long after that day, but I never forgot.
8. And that I am back to it now.
9. That I have straightened out the rambling on lines thing on the blog.
10. And made a different cheerful background.
11. And added a Kandinsky picture
12. And changed my profile questions answers.
13. I am grateful that my new friend A. was so understanding last night.
14. And that L. called me twice today. And pretty much every day. I don't know if gonna stay friends with either, as in, stay in touch with, but is nice for this day.
15. Grateful that piano practice went so amazingly well on Saturday.
16. And that know enough to NOT strain myself like that today!
17. Grateful that J. called today.
18. And that I spoke with MA yesterday at length too.
19. Grateful for fresh beautiful organic greens today.
20. And beans
21. Grateful for EJ and JJ emailing me today!
22. I am grateful for my fingertips.
23. And my laptop.
24. And my Nook. Such wealth.
25. I am grateful that that feels so good, that gratitude for those things, after feeling jealous yesterday about A's house and other people's financial security. This feels so much better than that!
26. Grateful that I am a person who sleeps every night.
27. And who does not have headaches every day.
28. Grateful that i have a sense of humor.
29. Grateful for my hair.
30. Grateful that I have electricity.
31. And someone to clean my snow.
32. Grateful for the gift of friendship that Ma gave me a couple of years ago.
33. And that I shall email her right after grats now.
34. Grateful that MA and M and St helped me so much when J left
35. Grateful that I am out of the quagmire of dating L.
36. Grateful for the wisdom and support of JJ, EJ, and Birdie. Always.
37. Grateful that I have a car.
38. And the ability to drive it.
39. And the ability to pay to put gas in it.
40. Grateful that I have water.
41. Grateful for every time J took me to the beach.
42. And to the pools
43. Grateful that I have known love.
44. And probably will again!
45. Grateful that most people are nice.
46. And that I finally know it.
47. Grateful that didn't infect my mother with this bug I have had.
48. Grateful for hot tea with nothing in it.
49. And for my piano.
50. Grateful for email.
51. And even tv.
52. And for giving self permission to really relax today.
53. Grateful for facebook. I am new to it and liking it.
54. Grateful for books.
55. And ebooks.
56. And clasical composers.
57. And my recent introduction to 20th century classical composers.
58. Grateful that my spelling is not worse. I'm not that bad a speller.
59. Grateful that my parents raised me in such a way that I can get along well in ever the most formal situations, with world leaders etc.
60. Grateful for cheerful people. Not put-on, but people who really do have happiness and cheer and good dispositions inside.
61. Grateful that I can giggle with the children (students).
62. Grateful for the Internet. And all the philosophical resources and humor, and beautiful photographic images available.
63. Grateful for Kandinsky
64. And Lee Krassner.
65. And Picasso.
66. And museums
67. Grateful for extra virgin olive oil.
68. Grateful for prayer
69. And exercise
70. And hope
71. And new starts
72. And that I will have to go to work tomorrow. For real. In a way quite grateful for that.
73. And that I healed from my year-long injury. Didn't know if I would.
74. And that I healed from the pneumonias.
75. And the necessary hysterectomy.
76. Grateful for kindnesses.
77. Grateful for smiles.
78. Grateful that my mood is okay right now. It has been rough lately. So grateful!
79. Grateful for mindfulness meditation.
80. And Thich Nhat Hanh
81. And Martin Luther King
82. Grateful for laundry detergent and softener
83. And a washing machine.
84. And dryer
85. And dishwasher
86. Grateful for my Sleep Number bed!
87. And heated mattress pad.
88. Grateful that I can get through parties. I remember when it was so much harder. Before my anti-shyness work!
89. Grateful that tool SELF to see movie Les Mis.
90. And that loved it.
91. Grateful that I can walk.
92. Grateful that took self to LONDON!
93. And loved it! I was really THERE! On my own! Wow!
94. Grateful for all the romance I have had.
95. And that I believe I shall have more.
96. Grateful for natural rhythms.
97. For the sunset.
98. And the sunrise.
99. And birds.
100. And dogs.
101. And all who help them.

1 comment:

  1. The new blog layout looks lovely. I am glad you figured out the glitches.

    Onward and upward.
