Friday, September 26, 2014


From the Hay House day, last Saturday.
Last paragraph is after the last red part.
From Wayne Dyer:

Every burning desire inside you was placed there by the same power that opens the rose.

This interiority of yours – wants to expand. It is not finite. It is infinite.
And anyone that tries to stop it, it resists.

“Once you label me, you negate me.”

***Just get into a state of awe about this universe that you live in that is infinite and so are you.

There can be no individuality if the same intelligence is in everything and everyone.

This divine intelligence that’s growing your fingernails. Just devote 1 hour a day to this impersonal self making it 1st in your life.
And it WILL become conscious. And before long!


Kris Carr:

FEEL your feelings
Don’t push things down!

She had put things on hold even though they were moving forward.
She had put her dreams on hold even though things were moving forward.

Every time you remember the bad, you relive it all.

Her: “I stopped after 9 years, doing things for cancer, for love, approval, relationship,… and tumors for FIRST TIME – SHRANK!

When fear risks, no potential for huge breakthroughs
NOW – DO IT!! There is NOTHING to lose!

Have a green drink every day!

Recipes: Juice: cucumber, lemon, kale, celery, apple or pear/
Kale salad: Lemon on washed kale. Massage it.  Add avocado.
Smoothie: Avocado, cucumber, banana, blueberries, spinach.

Acceptance means not abandoning yourSELF.
And not criticizing yourself

The PURPOSE for you life is joy. EVERY DAY!

***AT THIS POINT I WROTE in my little journal,
am a wonderful
bright pretty funny
sexy smart compassionate
trustworthy fun person
A great guy WILL
Love me
  If he doesn’t (J) SO WHAT!


Nancy Levin

Your greatest gift is giving voice to your truth
And when you do there is no wrong way to live your life


Anita Moorjani

Everything is dependent on how worthy you think you are

When you make the commitment to yourSELF that you are really gonna be there for yourSELF, then you are not afraid.
Because you always have yourself – accepting and caring for…


While listening to the For the Sender singer/songwriter, Alex Woodard, I jotted this:
I need to help save animals or foster children
Or something


Dr. Christiane Northrup

The most important things you can do:
1.      Change the way you think
2.      Lower your blood sugar.
3.      Do that exercise (it was a little 20 second run in place with arms too, then rest then do, 8 x – even 3 times a week she said). (and the stand on one foot and close eyes and hold balance. Then other foot. Daily. And the sitting differently like all kinds of ways – butt out hands out – hands over head etc etc etc. and not sit SO MUCH)

The three things healthy happy active centegenarians have been found to have are:
1.      Exalted emotion
2.      Elevated cognition
3.      Righteous anger (as in standing up for someone else or yourself innocent)
Centeganarians: “I don’t go to doctors. They’re all dead.”

Live in a [sic] of agelessness

They also have boundaries – do NOT participate in co-dependent relationships!

Northrup says we must:
Take care of our own time
Put our own needs 1st.
If we’re not for us, who is going to be

Elevated emotions:
Joy, compassion, revelry

We need a tribe with whom we can be ourselves and share ideas.
But all tribes wound their members (she quotes a book) in 3 ways:

This “People are dying – who are we to be happy” mentality has to stop
Be wildly joyous and happy for self!
(and it helps people)
(But we won’t fit in that original tribe)

We must have Rituals of Pleasure
Ad it can be anything: including good chocolate, a good drink…
You don’t have to finish it – the ritual is the point)
Everything is allowed if it is a high holy ritual of pleasure.
(hers is every evening rice cake with pb and 16 60% chocolate chips) and she uses the biomat.

A couple of meals a week we must “break bread” together. Not all meals alone.

Law of attraction
Now we have the whole world to choose from when picking your [sic] of agelessness in social media!

Need to LEARN how to savor
Share our good feelings with others – including bragging like the tango -coming and going

At this point I wrote:
I have nothing to prove.
I.Am. Light. (which comes from Wayne Dyer’s meditation).
I am part of the sacred.
Everything about me is sacred.
I am sacred.

She ended by talking about her cat. And how a cat will scan a room and find the most luxurious surface and take that.
And how she holds the door for her cat for long times while cat is deciding, Do I want to go out? Yes. No. Maybe. No. Yes….
And she said, I’m standing there, 2 New York Times #1 bestsellers etc etc… doing it. Why?
Because her confidence (cat’s) is THAT big. I want YOU go out there and have THAT.


Since 1984 I have been obsessed with J.
I feel now, that although I SO want to be with him, and SO wish it could work out,
I accept.
It is what it is.
If he doesn’t want me, I shall live anyway.
It has taken a LONG time and been a hard-working road to get to this.
I thought I never would.
I am so grateful.
Nervous a little, but grateful and very very hopeful!

“Thoughts and beliefs with a high, ecstatic vibration create a flourishing life and flourishing biology.” She went on to say that your BIOLOGY changes! Hormones – neurotransmitters.
    Start RIGHT NOW – FOCUSING on what is good and uplifting.


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