Sunday, September 28, 2014

What I Love about My Life RIGHT NOW!

1.    My dear birds. I am so grateful that I get to share my life with sweet birds! And that they are happy and healthy and chatting all day and dancing and playing and flying … And eevn cute xo
2.    My great dear students. They are truly their age, not like middle school girls in 7-year-old bodies!
3.    I am so happy to have found the 21 Day Fix! Or rather, that it found me! It showed up on my fb stream one day and wow, it is helping change my life.
4.    I am SO grateful for that Hay House day last Saturday! I will write later about specifically more of what I learned! Needed to “sleep on it,” needed for it to gel. Wow!
5.    I am grateful, very very grateful, for my health!
6.    And I am so happy to have Shakeology.
7.    I love M. and her girls and do SO appreciate them in my life!
8.    I am happy to be employed and doing something meaningful to me.
9.    That I have a home
10.                  That I do not have cancer
11.                  That I am not in an iron lung.
12.                  That I can read.
13.                  That I have so many positive things to read
14.                  That I play piano
15.                  That I have a piano
16.                  That I have a piano in my classroom even too
17.                  That I am smart
18.                  I am grateful for enough money to spend on foods and lots of good foods
19.                  I am so grateful for my improvements in strengths and abilities from the exercising so far already
20.                  And that AS OF LAST NIGHT, it is gelling that I am MORE interested in the feeling in my muscles than in overeating! That is first time ever!
21.                  I am grateful for positive people
22.                  And for hearing about being and allowing and expressing myself.
23.                  I am grateful for Vegetarian Times magazine, which should be coming any day now.
24.                  I am grateful for Barnes & Nobles
25.                  And for my Nook
26.                  And for my laptop
27.                  And for my tv
28.                  And for Cable
29.                  And for electricity
30.                  And for my heated mattress pad, which I’ll be using soon…
31.                  I am grateful that I came home (because ill feeling) yesterday. And lay in dark. With tv soft soft, and birds, and light breeze coming in from open window.
32.                  I am grateful for safety
33.                  That I can drive
34.                  And safely too
35.                  I am so grateful that A helped me today! Was sinking!
36.                  And that I helped L, who was starting to sink too!
37.                  I am grateful that white bean chili is inside cooking right now
38.                  I am grateful that people are noticing that I’m losing weight and getting tighter
39.                  And that I asked M to switch next Sun from 5 pm to 12 pm.
40.                  And she did! (I cannot get home at like 8 on a Sunday)
41.                  I am grateful that I did my mother’s shopping today
42.                  And mine
43.                  And for the hot spices and the artichoke hearts and the sweet potato that are in this stew
44.                  And the organic beefsteak tomatoes omg! That I wound up not having to even pay for (I would NOT have paid THAT price)
45.                  What delicious tomatoes!
46.                  I am grateful for the Sahkeology shake I’ve been having in the morning! Vegan chocolate Shakeology with frozen broccoli cuts and frozen strawberries and blueberries. So thick and icy I need a spoon and it tastes like it is chocolate ice cream with fruit blended in. But is so healthy!
47.                  I am SO GRATEFUL for access to fresh, frozen and canned vegetables and fruits
48.                  And nuts
49.                  And seeds
50.                  and coconut flakes
51.                  I am grateful for my friend in Ecuador, my friend in England, my friend in South Carolina, and so on!
52.                  I am grateful that I am helping children.
53.                  I am grateful for hope.
54.                  I am grateful for the beautiful sandwich I just had
55.                  And for water
56.                  And for coffee : )
57.                  I am grateful for garbage pickup
58.                  And for the laundry here in the cellar
59.                  I am grateful for growth and change
60.                  And for every minute of optimism I have

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