Monday, August 5, 2013

Don't Read if Doing the Deepak Oprah Thing til AFTER Your First Day

They have an opportunity to Journal and today they asked to name some miracles you've already experienced in your life. This is what came to me. And although it's a LITTLE different, these are my gratitudes.

So many.
1. Breathing on my own
2. Sight
3. Colors
4. Birds
5. Dogs
6. Giraffes
7. elephants
8. Zebras
9. Lions
10. Trees
11. Fish
12. Flowers
13. My mother recovering after her major health event
14. The peaceful happy years with John
15. Reading
16. Bare feet on earth
17. Sand
18. Oceans
19. Rivers
20. lakes
21. The sound
22. The bay
23. The canal
24. Swimming
25. Walking
26. My birdies eating out of my hand, millet
27. Orgasms
28. Getting to teach children
29. Making music on the piano
30. Four retreats with Thich Nhah Hanh and his monks and nuns andso many other people (3 x were a thousand and more and 1 x was for teachers only and just under 300)
31. Going to England
32. By myself
33. and loving it.
34. This meditation today
35. Eating peaches and plums and cherries
36. My father. The best father.
37. Hugs
38. Getting my walking and abilities back after my big accident
39. Ability to speak (I remember when I couldn't)
40. Even when I couldn't was a miracle because it taught me to appreciate speaking AND that everything I think does NOT need to be said lol
41. Finally coming to be able to shop with or for my mother without torture
42. Ability to drive
43. Weeks in the Poconos with J
44. And the Catskills too
45. Niagara Falls
46. 2x
47. Sitting by pool (Catskills) with BATS flying all around us - til J said we'd better go in. And he was right
48. Being o, fall, almost 2 years ago
49. and when met L, too
50. Driving to Staten Island all those times
51. All the times at the beach with my parents
52. Noni
53. Gems from Mother Earth
54. M's children
55. Sh doggie
56. Fawns
57. Woods walks with P doggie off-leash
58. embroidery
59. reading
60. getting the job in Scarsdale
61. getting my Masters degree
62. freiendships. Loving and long-lasting
63. Making my own dough
64. Smies. Like this huge one now
65. Helping orphans
66. and Psychiatrically ill children
67. Getting selected to work at P.I., Columbia, with the famous dr. Only 2 in the world selected and I was one of them
68. Being offered modeling job
69. Being offered tv playing0piano job
70. Jesus
71. My hands feeling a taking on of peace and love and kindness - tingling - at beginning of today's meditation
72. I have a bed to sleep in
73. I have gotten through storms, including on a boat and on a ship
74. Watching Oprah. Yes, really
75. Laughter
76. The sounds of other people's laughter
77. Je and the feather last night
78. St
79. M A
80. M L
81. C
82. S
83. M
84. even the lessons from O (both meanings)
85. Sex
86. Beading on the beach
87. Making (and waring - and giving away) pretty jewelry
88. knitting and wearing (and giving away)
89. same with crochet
90. stamped cross-stich
91. I have seen the Pieta
92. and the Mona Lisa
93. and much original famous art work
94. I have colored
95. and painted
96. Leaves, in all their stages, are miracles to me
97. Helen Keller's inspiration.
98. and that the classes respond and get inspired
99. 5th graders and older coming back to share and tell me what inspired them, or ask for a book, ...
100. helping Yumi. Ahhh.
101. Koko the Gorilla. Thank you, Mary Allen. And for DECADES I ahe shared with children. And all have loved
102. As have parents, even o f classes where I was SUBBING!
103. as has my mother
104. Etc.
105. I never cheated on John. Miracle because for a time I was tempted.
106. Prayer
107. My easy-spirituality
108. Years of walking walking walking
109. and it is coming again
110. My hair. the feel of it. All are little miracles. - Or is there no such thing...
111. Being helped when I felt near suicidal
112. My mother's prayers
113. and mine for her
114. J telling me to envision her numbers going up on those hospital machines as he said we were connected mother and daughter. And it worked
115. The peace I have experienced my whole life every time I have
116. The miracle of electricity
117. and heat
118. Although I'd rather live more naturally
119. Sitting in my backyard.
120. Catching fireflies as a child
121. And the daisies with cousin Jo
122. And getting back together with my cousins
123. Saving a tiny baby shrew
124. Saving 4 kittens and their mother. That was hard. And it was a hurricane. And I was highly allergic. But I did it.
125. Students who have overcome terrible illnesses
126. Mindful eating
127. and the Five Contemplations
128. my given Buddhist name: True Compassion of the Heart
129. And J’s- True Simplicity of the Heart
130. Humor
131. Holding hands - with boyfriends, husbands, girlfriends, children...
132. Swinging on swings
133. Romance at amusement parks
134. Sitting in on Congress in session
135. Not having to serve on those juries
136. A shrink who let me call him when desperate
137. A great opthomologist for my eyes
138. The book The Secret
139. And the book, Be Free Where you Are
140. Access to plenty of clean drinking water

and much more
but that is enough for right now.

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