Saturday, October 12, 2013

100 Grats

I am grateful:

1.     The Breathing In, Breathing Out song
2.     Teaching it to the children
3.     Appreciating it now. Finally.
4.     Telling that bs artist he does not ring true (dating site)
5.     Hope
6.     M’s love. We have straightened it out. Phew.
7.     Maybe are closer now even.
8.     My friendship with A
9.     And with L
10. And with St
11. And of course my heart friendship with MA
12. Sat. now.  I do not have to worry about where my next meal is coming from.
13. Over an hour talk with L this am
14. Nice memories we shared. There were some good times: )
15. That I don’t want him back lol
16. That I can breathe on my own.
17. Helping colleague N. get started with meditation this week
18. Our sort-of friendship.
19. MA
20. Two whole days to clean up my act around here
21. And then another day off still
22. MIGHT see W.
23. MIGHT even see J
24. All that he (J) does for my mother.
25. This blog
26. The devotion I have for my students
27. The real teaching and learning that is taking place
28. My aide
29. The times I do remember how little they are and that they love stories
30. And humor
31. Giggles etc.
32. Jigsaw puzzles
33. Tracing paper
34. Modern art patterns
35. That after many meetings – many(!) – before teaching, during preps, during lunch “break” and after teacher, I have finally taken steps to protect my prep! I was practicing piano in my room and 2 different people came in, at 2 different times. And to each I said I was busy. They could see what I was doing, playing piano, but the point is, with one of them, I’ve been trying to set up a meeting for like 3 ½ weeks, and she just stopped in impromptu; and with the other, we have a standing professional meeting she keeps missing and she too just stopped in impromptu. I have to keep my sanity and stay in a good mood for the children, and having a break during the day even if it means working a little at home, helps that! I am entitled. I am a professional. And for once I am taking care of my own needs!: )
36. Children
37. Math games
38. Little girls (soon boys I expect too) WANTING and taking turns reading to me: )
39. I think I will be able to practice piano at home now again.
40. And to have it tuned
41. Every little thing I’ve ever done to help the poor
42. That I think I am ready to do more now
43. Trees
44. Leaves green
45. Leaves in colors for fall (coming soon where I live)
46. Heat in the house
47. Job
48. Car
49. House
50. Birdies
51. Dogs
52. People who rescue animals
53. People who care for animals
54. That I don’t eat animals
55. Water for drinking
56. Showers daily
57. Shoes
58. Clothes
59. Eyesight
60. Hands that work.
61. Hearing
62. Grass
63. Flowers
64. I shall buy some house plants for the sunroom soon
65. And a coat for the winter! I didn’t have one last winter, and I will this winter!
66. Boots
67. Socks
"Be thankful for what you have; you'll end up having more. If you concentrate on what you don't have, you will never, ever have enough." - Oprah Winfrey
68. Sitcoms sometimes
69. Sleep
70. Dreams
71. My hearing
72. My ability to speak
73. And to read
74. All love
75. All the love I’ve had given to me in my life
76. All the love I have given to me in my life today
77. All the love for any people, other animals, earth, plants, minerals that anyone has
78. All the love that I give
79. Inspirational facebook posts and pages
80. And the page the flaming vegan
81. And the page romancing the soul
82. Art
83. Music
84. Piano in my classroom
85. Gardein
86. Ezekial
87. Vegan shoes
88. Phones
89. Birdsong right in my house
90. Taking care of my boys (birdies)
91. Hope
92. What ability to adjust I do have
93. Laughter in my own life
94. All the loving sex I’ve had
95. New starts
96. Ongoing days
97. My abilities
98. What my dr calls my assets too
99. Losing a bit of weight
100.                Hot tea

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