Saturday, October 26, 2013

My 100 Gratitudes Today

I am grateful:

1.    Yesterday the math lesson I did with the kids
2.    They really learned
3.    They were happy and actually giggling
4.    Good lunchtime meeting. At least I learned something.
5.    I am so goo with schedules
6.    The little sort of play we put on…
7.    The help my declining mother has
8.    Abiding.
9.    The generation before me; they were so good at it.
10.                  A, who is teaching me about it now.
11.                  I am better at it than I used to be
12.                  That although I have no personal life right now, I do contribute to the world through my teaching.
13.                  Loving piano
14.                  My breath. That I can breathe on my own period. But also
15.                  That my breath is stronger, cleaner, better than in years and years. Phew.
16.                  MA out of hospital.
17.                  Good books
18.                  People reading
19.                  Oprah years ago for helping to get many people reading again
20.                  And book clubs
21.                  Fun. Like this little laugh _______

22.                  The book, “The Secret”
23.                  The book, “The Power”
24.                  Our second in charge really believes in me
25.                  I think our principal does too
26.                  My birdy sweet lovely singing boys
27.                  My piano
28.                  The Amazing Wild Nature
“The Beauty of life is endless, all you need is eyes to find it !”
29.                  Hope
30.                  I’m not giving up. Feel depressed today. I think salad greens are not enough for me. (Only greens I had for two days).
31.                  Will have some cooked spinach today too.
32.                  And am reading The Power right now.
33.                  Birdy boys are flying around. Yay I feel happy about THAT!: )
34.                  Rivers in the Ocean
When we are stricken and cannot bear our lives any longer, then a tree has something to say to us: Be still! Be still! Look at me! Life is not easy, life is not difficult. Those are childish thoughts. Let God speak within you, and your thoughts will grow silent. You are anxious because your path leads away from mother and home. But every step and every day lead you back again to the mother. Home is neither here nor there. Home is within you, or home is nowhere at all.
~ Hermann Hesse
Photo © Roeselin Raimond ________
Zen to Zany
When does it all become ordinary? All the magic that surrounds us suddenly disappears into the background of our lives. Sure, once in a while we are still amazed by a sunset or a sunrise. The color of Fall is always beautiful...but for the most part...we do go blind to most of what was so magical and actually still is. Children remind us from time to time but it shouldn't be their job...maybe we go blind to the magic around us and start delving internally for answers about what's to come for us instead of what is here. NOW. ________
35.                  MA on phone right now.
36.                  This ________

37.                  Long talk with MA
38.                  And I was able to help her
39.                  Long talk with L
40.                  And his gf said the other day, “If you want to do a cultural jaunt in the city with Lynn, I’m ok with that.”
41.                  Now the truth is that today she took umbrage that we seem to (and do) talk every week. But I’m glad she’d said that the other day.
42.                  And I gave him my honest best suggestions
43.                  I am at this moment, grateful that I can read. It might just save me sometimes.
44.                  And that I can play piano. Which also might.
45.                  The 100 grats list I’m seeing right now.
46.                  From it comes these next 14 or so. Vegetables
47.                  Brake lights
48.                  The dishwasher
49.                  Dishes
50.                  My heart, which I can feel beating.
51.                  Sleep
52.                  Balance
53.                  The color blue
54.                  And yellow
55.                  And red
56.                  Sea shells
57.                  Love letters
58.                  Robins’ blue eggs
59.                  Meditation
60.                  The full moon
61.                  Tomorrow night we gain an hour!
62.                  Pedicures now and then
63.                  Blue skies
64.                  Cumulous clouds
65.                  The sound
66.                  Swimming ing it
67.                  Email
68.                  Snail mail
69.                  Fb
70.                  IM
71.                  ML calling me the other night, to tell me about MA
72.                  Laughter
73.                  Smiles
74.                  Kittens (I am allergic, plus they might – ahem – like my birdy boys TOO MUCH, but I love looking at them)
75.                  Honest people
76.                  Conversation
77.                  Language. It allows for conversation
78.                  That maybe my birdies can tell that I don’t eat birds…
79.                  Word play with the students
80.                  Songs with them
81.                  Reading aloud to them
82.                  Them reading
83.                  And better and better
84.                  Typing. I do so enjoy it
85.                  Will visit my mother in a little while. Yay that still can
86.                  Some free time
87.                  Indian food
88.                  Especially with extra vegetables
89.                  Organic popcorn
90.                  Birds
91.                  Birdsong
92.                  That mine have freedoms!
93.                  Good sitcoms
94.                  Affirmations
95.                  Positive people
96.                  Reading “The Power” today
97.                  Getting along with my colleagues
98.                  That I am part of a faculty. (Won’t always be…)
99.                  Eyesight
100.              Ability to speak

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